Shelley will join us on Monday, May 7 – but you can meet her now.
Shelley’s Introduction:
Hello, everyone. I am 59, five feet tall and weigh 150 pounds. Like so many others I am a victim of the Standard American Diet (SAD) and yo-yo dieting. I always had a weight problem but my weight continues to go up and is harder to lose as I get older. I have tried many diets like Weight Watchers, Atkins, no fat, no carbs and then HCG – five times!
I was on my fifth course of HCG when a friend sent me a link to SugarFree’s site. I read EVERYTHING here and it all made so much sense. As a Weston A Price Chapter Leader I wasn’t new to metabolic issues but it seemed like nothing ever worked for me. My Doctor never ordered the correct blood tests to help determine what was really going with my metabolism, not that he would have understood the results anyway.
The results of the tests SugarFree had me do weren’t pretty, and ended my denial that I have diabetes. So I will now be on the road to recovery from hyperinsulinemia and hypothyroidism as well. While this will mean permanent lifestyle changes, I am up for the challenge and excited to be on this new path. Thank you, SugarFree, I will be forever grateful.
Protocol Round 1, Week 1, Day 1 – 5/7
Weight: 150.2 pounds
Bust: 38″
Waist: 34″
Hips: 41.5″
– 8 oz broccoli
– 9 oz asparagus spears
– 6 oz Sirloin Steak
– 3.25 T. butter
– 1 oz sour cream
– 1 oz potato
Fitday stats:
Calories: 741
Fat: 51.7 grams (63%)
Protein: 53.4 grams (29%)
Carbs: 15.6 grams (8%)
Ketostix: small
Blood Glucose:
Fasting: 101
1-hour PP (after lunch): 107
2-hour PP (after lunch): 107
My day has been pretty busy so I am glad I came into it prepared. My meal was very satisfying. You won’t believe how much eight ounces of broccoli is! I was actually worried I might not finish eating before my one hour PP. So far, so good. Excited for tomorrow.
[Note: Shelley, welcome to Protocol! Here’s a tip for veggies: there’s a world of difference between an 8 oz pile of steamed broccoli — and the handful of crunchy goodness you get from roasting that same broccoli (slathered in olive oil, garlic and salt) roasted for 20 minutes in a 400-425 degree oven. :)]
Protocol Round 1, Week 1, Day 2 – 5/8
Weight: 148.8 = down 1.4 pounds
– 8 oz spinach
– 6 oz zucchini
– 7.5 oz salmon
– 2 T. butter
– 1 oz cream
Fitday stats:
Calories: 703
Fat: 52.9 grams (68%)
Protein: 50.7 grams (39%)
Carbs: 6.1 grams (3%)
Ketostix: trace
Blood Glucose:
Fasting: 92
1-hour PP (after lunch): 91
2-hour PP (after lunch): 91
I feel great today with no hunger and a lot of energy. After my higher blood sugar levels yesterday I did not have any starchy carbs today. It worked as my numbers are much improved. Hopefully my supplements will arrive in a day or two and I can get started with those.
Protocol Round 1, Week 1, Day 3 – 5/9
Weight: 147.2 = down 1.6 pounds
– 8 oz spinach
– 9 oz asparagus
– 11 oz chicken thighs
– 2 T. butter
– .5 oz cream
Fitday stats:
Calories: 718
Fat: 54.2 grams (68%)
Protein: 47.2 grams (26%)
Carbs: 10.3 grams (6%)
Ketostix: small
Blood Glucose:
Fasting: 80
1-hour PP (after lunch): 74
2-hour PP (after lunch): 79
Today has been interesting. All was normal this morning with good energy, no hunger and generally, I felt great. Just before my 1-hour PP I was feeling a little jittery, and I thought my blood sugar might be up but it was just the opposite. I felt fine about a half an hour later. Even though I know it is water weight, it is nice being down three pounds on my third day!
Protocol Round 1, Week 1, Day 4 – 5/10
Weight: 146.2 = down 1 pound
– 4 oz broccoli
– 4 oz swiss chard
– 9 oz asparagus
– 8 oz chicken liver
– 3 T. butter
– 1 oz sour cream
– 1 oz potato
Fitday stats:
Calories: 711
Fat: 51.8 grams (65%)
Protein: 45.7 grams (26%)
Carbs: 15.6 grams (9%)
Ketostix: large
Blood Glucose:
Fasting: 56
1-hour PP (after lunch): 69
2-hour PP (after lunch): 74
Wow, lower blood sugar reading today, even though my menu included potato. I am getting in the swing of things but am not hungry. I expected to be hungry at first, but can honestly say I have been quite satisfied from day one! I am encouraged to see my weight going down but I know the losses will slow down soon.
[Note: Not really. You are finally in lipolysis and will now truly start losing inches, which is far more important than a number on a scale. :)]
Protocol Round 1, Week 1, Day 5 – 5/11
Weight: 145.8 = down .4 pound
– 11 oz zucchini
– 4 oz kale
– 4 oz broccoli
– 7 oz shrimp
– 4 T. butter
– 1 oz cream
– 2 oz sweet potato
Fitday stats:
Calories: 854
Fat: 61.8 grams (65%)
Protein: 50.7 grams (24%)
Carbs: 23.8 grams (11%)
Ketostix: large
Blood Glucose:
Fasting: 54
1-hour PP (after lunch): 65
2-hour PP (after lunch): 98
I was a little foggy and jittery this morning. With a lower blood sugar level, I ate one ounce of cheese, as SugarFree suggested, and felt a little better. After lunch all was back to feeling good. My lunch tasted so good today that I have decided everything tastes better with butter! I have, in the past, added maple syrup or brown sugar to my sweet potatoes. Today I baked them in butter and they tasted so sweet that any additional sweetener would have been overkill. Only explanation for the high – hour PP is the two ounces of sweet potatoes that I ate at the end of my lunch. I don’t know if it would have been higher at the one hour if they were eaten first seeing as it took me a half hour to eat.
[Note: Actually, Shelley – this is what hyperinsulinemia looks like. Since you don’t eat overnight (and for many hours before that), the excess insulin your pancreas is still pumping out (now needlessly) drives your FG way down. Then, when you eat something that converts to glucose, that excess insulin is still insufficient to handle it. It will take some time for your pancreas to really get the message that all that insulin is no longer required, and you will know you are getting better when your FG rises to a normal level and stays there day after day. Have a happy Mother’s Day!]
Protocol Round 1, Week 1, Day 6 – 5/12
Weight: 145.2 = down .6 pound
– 11 oz zucchini
– 8 oz spinach
– 5.25 oz sirloin steak
– 3 T. butter
– 1 oz cream
– 1 oz potato
Fitday stats:
Calories: 745.9
Fat: 53.9 grams (65%)
Protein: 50.2 grams (27%)
Carbs: 15 grams (8%)
Ketostix: large
Blood Glucose:
Fasting: 64
1-hour PP (after lunch): 69
2-hour PP (after lunch): 73
For the first time I am a little hungry today. It could be that I am in the kitchen a lot today with my kids hoe for the weekend. I was able to be satisfied with my lunch and resist the temptation!
Protocol Round 1, Week 1, Day 7 – 5/13
Weight: 144.4 = down .8 pound
– 11 oz zucchini
– 4 oz spinach
– 4 oz swiss chard
– 6 oz chicken liver
– 2 T. butter
– 1 Egg
– 1.5 oz cream
– 1 oz potato
Fitday stats:
Calories: 730
Fat: 54 grams (66%)
Protein: 45.2 grams (25%)
Carbs: 15.8 grams (9%)
Ketostix: large
Blood Glucose:
Fasting: 58
1-hour PP (after lunch): 68
2-hour PP (after lunch): 73
Feeling great today. No hunger, although the ice cream my grandson was eating sure looked good. I had to make a point of telling my kids to not give me anything food related this Mother’s Day and they abided by my wishes so no temptation there.
Protocol Round 1, Week 2, Day 1 – 5/14
Weight: 144 = down .4 pound
Bust: 37.5” = down .5”
Waist: 33 = down 1”
Hips: 41 = down .5”
– 11 oz zucchini
– 4 oz spinach
– 4 oz swiss chard
– 7.5 oz salmon
– 2 T. butter
– 1 oz cream
– 1 oz sweet potato
Fitday stats:
Calories: 854
Fat: 61.8 grams (65%)
Protein: 50.7 grams (24%)
Carbs: 23.8 grams (11%)
Ketostix: large
Blood Glucose:
Fasting: 64
1-hour PP (after lunch): 77
2-hour PP (after lunch): 72
The start of my second week and I am having a slow day. My energy level is really low and I feel like I could go take a nap. My fasting blood sugar levels have been coming up over the last few days so hopefully that means my body is adjusting a bit to one meal per day. After trying sweet potatoes last week and having a bit of a spike, I am glad to see them a little better today.
[Note: Glad your blood sugar levels are better too – BUT – no mention of the incredible six pounds and two inches of fat you lost your first week? That’s the real news of the day. As for the low energy, this is usual during the first two weeks as you combat sugar withdrawal and your body converts from using carbs as your main source of fuel to using fat as your main source. It will pass, and you will have tons of energy.]
Protocol Round 1, Week 2, Day 2 – 5/15
Weight: 143.6 = down .4 pound
– 9 oz asparagus
– 4 oz spinach
– 4 oz broccoli
– 10 oz chicken thigh
– 1 T. butter
– 1 oz cream
– 2 oz potato
– 1 oz sour cream
Fitday stats:
Calories: 733
Fat: 51.9 grams (64%)
Protein: 45.5 grams (25%)
Carbs: 20.9 grams (11%)
Ketostix: large
Blood Glucose:
Fasting: 65
1-hour PP (after lunch): 84
2-hour PP (after lunch): 73
Better energy today, which is good because I am busy chasing my five-year old grandson around. I seem to have handled two ounces of potato just fine this time so I am happy about that. My pants are finally feeling a looser too!
Protocol Round 1, Week 2, Day 3 – 5/16
Weight: 143.6 = no change
– 11 oz. zucchini
– 4 oz spinach
– 4 oz swiss chard
– 8 oz chicken liver
– 2 T. butter
– 1.5 oz cream
– 1.5 oz potato
– 1 oz onion
Fitday stats:
Calories: 745
Fat: 51.9 grams (63%)
Protein: 45.5 grams (26%)
Carbs: 20.3 grams (11%)
Ketostix: large
Blood Glucose:
Fasting: 65
1-hour PP (after lunch): 69
2-hour PP (after lunch): 75
I am feeling pretty normally energetic today.
Protocol Round 1, Week 2, Day 4 – 5/17
Weight: 143.6 = no change
– 11 oz. zucchini
– 4 oz spinach
– 4 oz swiss chard
– 6 oz sirloin steak
– 3 T. butter
– 1 oz cream
– 1 oz potato
Fitday stats:
Calories: 745
Fat: 54.8 grams (63%)
Protein: 55.9 grams (29%)
Carbs: 16.3 grams (8%)
Ketostix: large
Blood Glucose:
Fasting: 68
1-hour PP (after lunch): 83
2-hour PP (after lunch): 78
I am a bit thirsty today so trying to make sure I get enough to drink. I am kind of stalled out in the losing weight department but have good energy and a busy day.
[Note: Happily, since the Protocol isn’t a diet and numbers on the scale are meaningless in terms of fat loss — and since you are in fact burning you excess fat now — this is actually a good thing. It means you will be pleased by your measurements on Monday, and that you are definitely ready to start Maintenance on Monday, too. :)]
Protocol Round 1, Week 2, Day 5 – 5/18
Weight: 143.4 = down .2 pound
– 9 oz asparagus
– 4 oz broccoli
– 4 oz swiss chard
– 7 oz shrimp
– 2 T. butter
– 1 oz cream
– 2 oz potato
– 2 oz sour cream
Fitday stats:
Calories: 745
Fat: 49.4 grams (60%)
Protein: 49.5 grams (27%)
Carbs: 23.9 grams (13%)
Ketostix: large
Blood Glucose:
Fasting: 71
1-hour PP (after lunch): 74
2-hour PP (after lunch): 79
I am having a busy day with lots of energy. I am looking forward to my measurements this Monday as my clothes are feeling looser and more comfortable. Beginning maintenance next week will be an exciting step to healing my body. I had a delicious meal today and my blood sugar numbers prove that my body agrees!
Protocol Round 1, Week 2, Day 6 – 5/19
Weight: 142.8 = down .2 pound
– 5 oz green beans
– 4 oz broccoli
– 4 oz swiss chard
– 9 oz ground beef
– 1 T. butter
– 2 oz potato
Fitday stats:
Calories: 831
Fat: 62.8 grams (68%)
Protein: 47.5 grams (23%)
Carbs: 19 grams (9%)
Ketostix: large
Blood Glucose:
Fasting: 66
1-hour PP (after lunch): 74
2-hour PP (after lunch): 79
I was a little hungrier than usual today. It could be because I was in the kitchen all day cooking for a graduation party and because I am getting to end of my first round of protocol – maybe both!
Protocol Round 1, Week 2, Day 7 – 5/20
Weight: 142.8 = no change
– 8 oz chicken liver
– 4 oz broccoli
– 4 oz swiss chard
– 2 T. butter
– 1 oz sweet potato
– 2 oz sour cream
– 1 oz cream
– 5 oz green beans
Fitday stats:
Calories: 766.3
Fat: 57.1 grams (67%)
Protein: 44 grams (23%)
Carbs: 19.1 grams (10%)
Ketostix: large
Blood Glucose:
Fasting: 68
1-hour PP (after lunch): 80
2-hour PP (after lunch): 75
Even with a large graduation party today I am managing to think of myself first and get my meal made and leisurely enjoy it. I am ready for maintenance tomorrow and excited to see what my measurements are!
Maintenance Round 1, Week 1, Day 1 – 5/21
Weight: 142.6 = down .2 pound
Bust: 36.5” = down 1”
Waist: 32.5” = down .5”
Hips: 40.5” = down .5”
Ketostix: large
Blood Glucose:
Fasting: 75
1-hour PP (after lunch): 90
2-hour PP (after lunch): 88
First day of a Maintenance menu and it was filling. My measurements reflect the awesome job this Protocol is having on my body and I am really noticing it both visually and with the looser fitting clothes. Not sure what is going on with blood sugars.
[Note: NOTHING is “going on” with your blood sugars. They’re GREAT.]
Maintenance Round 1, Week 1, Day 2 – 5/22
Weight: 143 = up .4 pound
Ketostix: large
Blood Glucose:
Fasting: 85
1-hour PP (after lunch): 99
2-hour PP (after lunch): 97
Great day and my energy level is high. Maintenance meals are very filling (but satisfying), so it takes me a little longer to finish them.
Maintenance Round 1, Week 1, Day 3 – 5/23
Weight: 143.6 = up .6 pound
Ketostix: large
Blood Glucose:
Fasting: 88
1-hour PP (after lunch): 104
2-hour PP (after lunch): 97
It is a good day and my meal was wonderful and satisfying. Not sure what the one hour blood glucose is all about, maybe snow peas, but glad it settled down for the two-hour PP.
[Note: Yes, it was the snow peas. I knew the large amount you planned to eat would spike your blood sugars — even with Maintenance level fat consumption — but I wanted you to find this out for yourself. In future, a couple of ounces at a time should be fine.]
Maintenance Round 1, Week 1, Day 4 – 5/24
Weight: 142.8 = down .8 pound
Ketostix: large
Blood Glucose:
Fasting: 83
1-hour PP (after lunch): 89
2-hour PP (after lunch): 90
This is the first day where I actually don’t feel like I am on any special kind of diet. I put most of my food in a slow cooker this morning, which made a delicious main meal.
[Note: Cooking is always the key to a successful Protocol. :D]
Maintenance Round 1, Week 1, Day 5 – 5/25
Weight: 142.6 = down .2 pound
Ketostix: large
Blood Glucose:
Fasting: 79
1-hour PP (after lunch): 79
2-hour PP (after lunch): 94
I will test my blood glucose again in an hour. I was really full today and it took me forty minutes to finish my meal. That may explain my glucose numbers.
Maintenance Round 1, Week 1, Day 6 – 5/26
Weight: 142.8 = up .2 pound
Ketostix: large
Blood Glucose:
Fasting: 86
1-hour PP (after lunch): 88
2-hour PP (after lunch): 90
I am having a good day! Looking forward to measurements on Monday.
Maintenance Round 1, Week 1, Day 7 – 5/27
Weight: 142.8 = no change
Ketostix: large
Blood Glucose:
Fasting: 83
1-hour PP (after lunch): 91
2-hour PP (after lunch): 91
It is a bit of a challenging day as I am barbecuing for a group this afternoon and the smells will surly tempt me. I know that being full and not hungry will work in my favor.
Maintenance Round 1, Week 1, Day 7 – 5/27
Weight: 142.8 = no change
Bust: 35.75″ = down .75″
Waist: 32″ = down .5″
Hips: 40″ = down .5″
Ketostix: large
Blood Glucose:
Fasting: 86
1-hour PP (after lunch): 85
2-hour PP (after lunch): 90
One week of maintenance down. I am thrilled with the progress I have made and am feeling full of energy most days.
[Note: Imagine – you’re eating lots of fat and lots of calories and instead of regaining even an ounce of what you lost on Phase 1 – you’ve lost nearly two inches of fat. So much for Calories In, Calories Out. :D]
Maintenance Round 1, Week 2, Day 1 – 5/28
Weight: 142.8 = no change
Ketostix: large
Blood Glucose:
Fasting: 84
1-hour PP (after lunch): 87
2-hour PP (after lunch): 86
This is the first day in a while that my two-hour blood glucose was lower than my one hour test! My next milestone will be getting the Ketostix reading to come down a bit.
Maintenance Round 1, Week 2, Day 2 – 5/29
Weight: 142.6 = down .2 pound
Ketostix: large
Blood Glucose:
Fasting: 85
1-hour PP (after lunch): 84
2-hour PP (after lunch): 95
My lunch was satisfying and I am full of energy. Even though I am not focusing on the scale, I have noticed my weight stabilizing in maintenance.
Maintenance Round 1, Week 2, Day 3 – 5/30
Weight: 143 = up .4 pound
Ketostix: large
Blood Glucose:
Fasting: 75
1-hour PP (after lunch): 96
2-hour PP (after lunch): 92
It was such a nice day that I decided to roast my veggies on the barbecue along with my shrimp. It was fantastic! A little olive oil, sea salt and pepper were the key to my perfect meal. Tomorrow I am anxious to try berries for the first time. I was lucky to receive some fresh picked organic strawberries yesterday and they look and smell yummy.
Maintenance Round 1, Week 2, Day 4 – 5/31
Weight: 143 = no change
Ketostix: large
Blood Glucose:
Fasting: 87
1-hour PP (after lunch): 79
2-hour PP (after lunch): 84
3-hour PP (after lunch): 83
I always liked the saying: “Life is uncertain; eat dessert first” so I began my meal with strawberries and cream! It was wonderful and so much sweeter than I could have imagined. Interesting blood sugar numbers.
[Note: The blood sugar numbers are perfect to illustrate insulin resistant PCOS or, as I have now termed it since men can have it too — Metabolic Syndrome XX, one symptom of which is not too much insulin, but lazy insulin. You can see that yours was inefficient at dealing with the strawberries as they converted to glucose.]
Maintenance Round 1, Week 2, Day 5 – 6/1
Weight: 142.8 = down .2 pound
Ketostix: large
Blood Glucose:
Fasting: 72
1-hour PP (after lunch): 84
2-hour PP (after lunch): 85
It is a great day and I am feeling good. I like that I am having steady progress during maintenance with my blood sugar levels and hope they continue to improve.
Maintenance Round 1, Week 2, Day 6 – 6/2
Weight: 142.8 = no change
Ketostix: large
Blood Glucose:
Fasting: 84
1-hour PP (after lunch): 82
2-hour PP (after lunch): 93
3-hour PP (after lunch): 85
It is a lazy weekend with a little extra time to prepare my meal which was very satisfying.
Maintenance Round 1, Week 2, Day 7 – 6/3
Weight: 142.6 = down .2 pound
Ketostix: large
Blood Glucose:
Fasting: 87
1-hour PP (after lunch): 89
2-hour PP (after lunch): 79
It is hard to believe I am ending second week of maintenance. I have noticed a big change in my hair and nails lately as both are growing like crazy.
Maintenance Round 1, Week 3, Day 1 – 6/4
Weight: 142.8 = up .2 pound
Bust: 35.75″ = no change
Waist: 31.25″ = down .75″
Hips: 40″ = no change
Ketostix: large
Blood Glucose:
Fasting: 81
1-hour PP (after lunch): 81
2-hour PP (after lunch): 86
3-hour PP (after lunch): 77
It is amazing to me that my weight stays the same but I keep losing inches!
[Note And it always amazes me that Participants are amazed when this happens. Fat weighs practically nothing but takes up a lot of space. Lean muscle mass weighs a lot, but takes up very little space. You’re losing inches — fat — which weighs mere ounces. If you were jumping up for joy because you’d lost lots of ‘pounds’ (as on Simeons), you’d more than likely be losing lean muscle mass. A very bad thing. The scale lies. Ignore it. The measuring tape is your true and faithful friend. Embrace it.]
Maintenance Round 1, Week 3, Day 2 – 6/5
Weight: 142.8 = no change
Ketostix: large
Blood Glucose:
Fasting: 78
1-hour PP (after lunch): 99
2-hour PP (after lunch): 91
Not sure about the higher blood sugar numbers today but I remember that happening another time when I had sour cream. I picked one that indicated the only ingredient was cream and had the highest percentage of calories from fat.
[Note: Sour Cream made just with cream – which is Daisy – could never spike blood sugars. It was the two full ounces of potato you ate today that did it! Always, ALWAYS look at carbs first when you get a spike, particularly hidden sugars in things like mayo and even spice blends. Even worse, yesterday you ate strawberries, the day before, rice. And the day before that, sweet potato on June 2 – the day your 2-hr sugars began to rise above your 1-hr PP. The very first day that happened you should have put your Detective Hat on, asked “Huh; why have my sugars done that?” — figured out the answer and changed the way you ate the next day, the day after that, and yesterday. The. Meter. Never. Lies. But it’s only useful as a tool if you pay attention to what it tells you!
But now you know. And so can better plan your menu for the next several days accordingly.]
Maintenance Round 1, Week 3, Day 3 – 6/6
Weight: 142.4 = down .4 pound
Ketostix: large
Blood Glucose:
Fasting: 92
1-hour PP (after lunch): 83
2-hour PP (after lunch): 93
3-hour PP (after lunch): 89
It is a good day and just trying to get back on track.
Maintenance Round 1, Week 3, Day 4 – 6/7
Weight: 143.4 = up 1 pound
Ketostix: large
Blood Glucose:
Fasting: 87
1-hour PP (after lunch): 83
2-hour PP (after lunch): 79
Good blood sugar numbers today!
Maintenance Round 1, Week 3, Day 5 – 6/8
Weight: 143.2 = down .2 pound
Ketostix: large
Blood Glucose:
Fasting: 89
1-hour PP (after lunch): 79
2-hour PP (after lunch): 77
A little low on the energy today.
Maintenance Round 1, Week 3, Day 6 – 6/9
Weight: 142.8 = down .4 pound
Ketostix: large
Blood Glucose:
Fasting: 88
1-hour PP (after lunch): 86
2-hour PP (after lunch): 80
Everything is going well today.
Maintenance Round 1, Week 3, Day 7 – 6/10
Weight: 142.4 = down .4 pound
Ketostix: large
Blood Glucose:
Fasting: 92
1-hour PP (after lunch): 91
2-hour PP (after lunch): 99
3-hour PP (after lunch): 83
A little higher blood sugar numbers today but the came down nicely at the three-hour PP.
Maintenance Round 1, Week 4, Day 1 – 6/11
Weight: 142.8 = up .4 pound
Bust: 35″ = down .75″
Waist: 31.25″ = no change
Hips: 39.5″ = down .5″
Ketostix: large
Blood Glucose:
Fasting: 92
1-hour PP (after lunch): 98
2-hour PP (after lunch): 87
I have lost almost eight inches since the beginning Protocol! I am sleeping better, but I wish I had a little more energy during the day. I can’t really complain though, as it is nice to be feeling better overall.
Maintenance Round 1, Week 4, Day 2 – 6/12
Weight: 142.8 = no change
Ketostix: moderate
Blood Glucose:
Fasting: 93
1-hour PP (after lunch): 96
2-hour PP (after lunch): 93
I am having a good day and it is nice to see good blood glucose numbers and moderate Ketostix readings.
Maintenance Round 1, Week 4, Day 3 – 6/13
Weight: 142.8 = no change
Ketostix: large
Blood Glucose:
Fasting: 87
1-hour PP (after lunch): 97
2-hour PP (after lunch): 92
The blueberries were tasty today and it appears my body liked them too!
Maintenance Round 1, Week 4, Day 4 – 6/14
Weight: 143 = up .2 pound
Ketostix: large
Blood Glucose:
Fasting: 85
1-hour PP (after lunch): 92
2-hour PP (after lunch): 93
Good day, great lunch and I am feeling more energetic.
Maintenance Round 1, Week 4, Day 5 – 6/15
Weight: 143.6 = up .6 pound
Ketostix: large
Blood Glucose:
Fasting: 96
1-hour PP (after lunch): 92
2-hour PP (after lunch): 85
I had some berries again today and seem to be doing well with them.
Maintenance Round 1, Week 4, Day 6 – 6/16
Weight: 143.8 = up .2 pound
Ketostix: large
Blood Glucose:
Fasting: 94
1-hour PP (after lunch): 88
2-hour PP (after lunch): 72
Good day and gearing up for a busy weekend.
Maintenance Round 1, Week 4, Day 7 – 6/17
Weight: 143.8 = no change
Ketostix: large
Blood Glucose:
Fasting: 88
1-hour PP (after lunch): 84
2-hour PP (after lunch): 81
I am cooking for a large group today but it helps for me to focus on my meal first. Then I am not tempted to nibble or taste test.
Maintenance Round 1, Week 5, Day 1 – 6/18
Weight: 143.8 = no change
Bust: 35.5″ = up .5″
Waist: 31.50″ = up .25″
Hips: 39.5″ = no change
Ketostix: large
Blood Glucose:
Fasting: 83
1-hour PP (after lunch): 101
2-hour PP (after lunch): 98
I see that I am up one pound since I began maintenance which I consider very stable. I was a little surprised that my measurements went up a bit but they are down so much since I began protocol. Also first time my blood sugars have been over 100 for a long time. At least the two-hour PP was lower.
[Note: All signs point to forthcoming TOM.]
Maintenance Round 1, Week 5, Day 2 – 6/19
Weight: 144 = up .2 pound
Ketostix: large
Blood Glucose:
Fasting: 93
1-hour PP (after lunch): 97
2-hour PP (after lunch): 94
Today I was going to try some chocolate that SugarFree suggested but I forgot! I can’t believe it slipped my mind. I hope to try tomorrow.
Maintenance Round 1, Week 5, Day 3 – 6/20
Weight: 143.8 = down .2 pound
Ketostix: large
Blood Glucose:
Fasting: 87
1-hour PP (after lunch): 95
2-hour PP (after lunch): 92
I remembered to eat my chocolate today and it tasted great! I remember the first time I had 85% chocolate and thought it was disgusting. It is funny how going “without” changes your perspective.
[Note: It’s less than doing ‘without’ and more of your being able to truly taste the chocolate because your taste bud receptors are no longer being blocked by sugar. Haven’t you noticed how much better (and sweeter) berries taste now?]
Maintenance Round 1, Week 5, Day 4 – 6/21
Weight: 143 = no change
Ketostix: large
Blood Glucose:
Fasting: 92
1-hour PP (after lunch): 88
2-hour PP (after lunch): 99
3-hour PP (after lunch): 90
I am doing well today but see my two-hour PP is not looking too good. I am not really sure what is going on.
[Note: It was your inefficient insulin struggling to deal with the tiny bit of potato you ate — a common symptom of Metabolic Syndrome XX.]
Maintenance Round 1, Week 5, Day 5 – 6/22
Weight: 143 = no change
Ketostix: large
Blood Glucose:
Fasting: 87
1-hour PP (after lunch): 91
2-hour PP (after lunch): 88
I am traveling today so I packed a delicious lunch and it worked out great.
Maintenance Round 1, Week 5, Day 6 – 6/23
Weight: 143.6 = up .6 pound
Ketostix: large
Blood Glucose:
Fasting: 96
1-hour PP (after lunch): 92
2-hour PP (after lunch): 92
I got home ate so I was hungry. It was nice to have my meal ready to be prepared as I did that before leaving yesterday.
Maintenance Round 1, Week 5, Day 7 – 6/24
Weight: 143.8 = up .2 pound
Ketostix: large
Blood Glucose:
Fasting: 88
1-hour PP (after lunch): 98
2-hour PP (after lunch): 80
I had raspberries today and not only were they tasty, they agreed with my blood sugars as well!
Maintenance Round 1, Week 6, Day 1 – 6/25
Weight: 143.4 = down .4 pound
Bust: 35.5″ = no change
Waist: 31.50″ = no change
Hips: 39.5″ = no change
Ketostix: large
Blood Glucose:
Fasting: 88
1-hour PP (after lunch): 97
2-hour PP (after lunch): 92
Nothing special about today except a great filling meal and good blood sugar numbers.
Protocol Round 2, Week 1, Day 2 – 6/26
Weight: 142.8 = down .2 pound
– 6 oz pork chop
– 3 oz cream
– 1 oz tallow
– 3 oz butter
– 8 oz chard
– 4 oz green beans
– 5 oz asparagus
– 1 oz tomato paste
Fitday stats:
– Calories: 716
– Fat: 50.3 Grams ( 63% )
– Protein: 50.6 Grams ( 28% )
– Carbs: 15.1 Grams ( 9% )
Ketostix: large
Blood Glucose:
Fasting: 92
1-hour PP (after lunch): 101
2-hour PP (after lunch): 107
3-hour PP (after lunch): 88
I am happy to be back on protocol. Let’s just hope the enthusiasm lasts until lipolysis kicks in. I am also pleased that my starting weight today is the same as my last day of my first protocol and I lost several inches. And I see tomato is not my friend.
[Note: Yes . . . and no. What your meter really told you today was that you’re still so insulin resistant, that you need to eat a LOT of fat with that tomato paste in order to slow down carbohydrate to glucose conversion. In other words, you can likely have the tomato paste during Maintenance, but not Protocol.]
Protocol Round 2, Week 1, Day 3 – 6/27
Weight: 142.6 = down .2 pound
– 8 oz chicken liver
– 4 oz broccoli
– 4 oz chard
– 1.5 T butter
– 9 oz asparagus
– 1 oz cream
– 1 T tallow
– 1 large egg
Fitday stats:
– Calories: 765
– Fat: 57.3 Grams ( 67% )
– Protein: 51.1 Grams ( 27% )
– Carbs: 11 Grams ( 6% )
Ketostix: large
Blood Glucose:
Fasting: 92
1-hour PP (after lunch): 96
2-hour PP (after lunch): 88
I had to travel today and things were a little hectic but planning and preparing my meal ahead really helped me to stay on track.
Protocol Round 2, Week 1, Day 4 – 6/28
Weight: 141.8 = down .8 pound
– 5.25 oz sirloin, grass-fed
– 3 T butter
– 1 oz cream
– 1 oz potato
– 8 oz spinach
– 11 oz zucchini
Fitday stats:
– Calories: 746
– Fat: 53.9 Grams ( 65% )
– Protein: 50.2 Grams ( 27% )
– Carbs: 60 Grams ( 8% )
Ketostix: large
Blood Glucose:
Fasting: 82
1-hour PP (after lunch): 92
2-hour PP (after lunch): 92
The potato was good today after not having it for a few days and I think I did well with it. Everything seems to be going well.
Protocol Round 2, Week 1, Day 5 – 6/29
Weight: 141.6 = down .2 pound
– 8 oz salmon
– 3 T butter
– .5 oz cream
– 5 oz green beans
– 4 oz spinach
– 4 oz chard
Fitday stats:
– Calories: 735
– Fat: 53.7 Grams ( 66% )
– Protein: 50.3 Grams ( 28% )
– Carbs: 42 Grams ( 6% )
Ketostix: large
Blood Glucose:
Fasting: 88
1-hour PP (after lunch): 84
2-hour PP (after lunch): 82
I am getting back in the swing of things. No hunger and energy level is great.
Maintenance Round 2, Week 1, Day 1 – 7/9
Weight: 140.2 = down 1.4 pounds
Bust: 35.” = down .5″
Waist: 30″ = down 1.5″
Hips: 39″ = down .5″
Ketostix: large
Blood Glucose:
Fasting: 85
1-hour PP (after lunch): 94
2-hour PP (after lunch): 92
I had a rough week keeping it together on my own but I am happy to get back on track. Fortunately I did not lose ground and actually had some great fat loss.
[Note: Losing 2 inches in just a week? I’d say you did very well. Even better — you’ve lost four inches from around your waist, more than a 10% loss — since the end of May. That’s amazing!]
Maintenance Round 2, Week 1, Day 2 – 7/10
Weight: 141.2 = up 1 pound
Ketostix: large
Blood Glucose:
Fasting: 88
1-hour PP (after lunch): 90
2-hour PP (after lunch): 87
I am back in the swing of things and I feel good!
Maintenance Round 2, Week 1, Day 3 – 7/11
Weight: 141.2 = no change
Ketostix: large
Blood Glucose:
Fasting: 88
1-hour PP (after lunch): 98
2-hour PP (after lunch): 96
Everything is going well today.
Maintenance Round 2, Week 1, Day 4 – 7/12
Weight: 141.2 = no change
Ketostix: large
Blood Glucose:
Fasting: 89
1-hour PP (after lunch): 89
2-hour PP (after lunch): 88
I had a busy, but good day.
Maintenance Round 2, Week 1, Day 5 – 7/13
Weight: 141.4 = up .2 pound
Ketostix: large
Blood Glucose:
Fasting: 91
1-hour PP (after lunch): 84
2-hour PP (after lunch): 82
It is very hot here today and I didn’t have much of an appetite. It took me a bit longer to get through my meal, but I made it!
Maintenance Round 2, Week 1, Day 6 – 7/14
Weight: 141 = no change
Ketostix: moderate
Blood Glucose:
Fasting: 87
1-hour PP (after lunch): 97
2-hour PP (after lunch): 95
It is a good day and I had a satisfying meal with strawberries and cream and it was delicious!
Maintenance Round 2, Week 1, Day 7 – 7/15
Weight: 141.4 = up .4 pound
Ketostix: moderate
Blood Glucose:
Fasting: 88
1-hour PP (after lunch): 90
2-hour PP (after lunch): 88
Today is the second day in a row that my Ketostix read “moderate”. I hope this is a trend!
Maintenance Round 2, Week 2, Day 1 – 7/16
Weight: 141 = down .4 pound
Bust: 33.5″ = down .5″
Waist: 30″ = no change
Hips: 38.5″ = down .5″
Ketostix: moderate
Blood Glucose:
Fasting: 95
1-hour PP (after lunch): 88
2-hour PP (after lunch): 90
Wow! I am down another inch and really noticing a change in how my clothes are fitting. Some of them are actually so loose that I won’t be wearing them anymore.
[Note: Shelley, that’s wonderful. As is your having lost even more fat while eating a boatload of fat and calories. Next time you read a ‘health article’ about how eating fat makes you fat, or how you must ‘cut calories’ to get slim, you’ll know what to say. Hooey. :D]
Maintenance Round 2, Week 2, Day 2 – 7/17
Weight: 141 = no change
Ketostix: large
Blood Glucose:
Fasting: 85
1-hour PP (after lunch): 93
2-hour PP (after lunch): 86
I am having a good day and in my second week of doing a little walking for exercise; nothing strenuous, but a good way to start the day. I took my 2-hour PP and it was 115! That didn’t seem right from what I had eaten and my recent meter readings. Then I realized I had just fixed my husband lunch and had cut-up some watermelon. I took the reading again and it was much better. Tip for the day: Wash your hands before testing.
Maintenance Round 2, Week 2, Day 3 – 7/18
Weight: 141.2 = up .2 pound
Ketostix: large
Blood Glucose:
Fasting: 90
1-hour PP (after lunch): 98
2-hour PP (after lunch): 98
Today I ate potatoes and strawberries and although I was a little nervous, the results seem to be okay.
Maintenance Round 2, Week 2, Day 4 – 7/19
Weight: 141.2 = no change
Ketostix: large
Blood Glucose:
Fasting: 89
1-hour PP (after lunch): 97
2-hour PP (after lunch): 92
I am getting ready for a vacation to celebrate our anniversary and my 60th birthday. I will be gone for a week and hope the knowledge I have received from SugarFree will be easy to implement out of the country. I will take my meter and ketostix but must leave the scale at home. See you all on July 30!
[Note: Happy Birthday AND Congratulations! Have a wonderful trip and enjoy the salsa and tortillas (in moderation). Your testing them here showed your metabolism can now handle it.]
Maintenance Round 2, Week 4, Day 1 – 7/30
Weight: 141.6 = up .4 pound
Bust: 33.5″ = no change
Waist: 30″ = no change
Hips: 38.5″ = no change
Ketostix: large
Blood Glucose:
Fasting: 89
1-hour PP (after lunch): 89
2-hour PP (after lunch): 85
After a rocky start, I had a great time on vacation and was able to eat very close to maintenance guidelines. My first meal away was fajita with hidden sugars in the marinade. My one and two-hour blood sugars shot up and I became very discouraged. With SugarFree’s advice and support I was able to regroup and eat very well the rest of the week. I had eggs, salmon or sea bass everyday and enjoyed every bit of it. I am pleased that my weight and measurements were exactly as they were when I left!
[Note: Shelley, it’s not easy vacationing in a foreign country, but you showed yourself you could do it and still eat fabulous food. Well done! :)]
Maintenance Round 2, Week 4, Day 2 – 7/31
Weight: 141.2 = down .4 pound
Ketostix: large
Blood Glucose:
Fasting: 98
1-hour PP (after lunch): 101
2-hour PP (after lunch): 95
I am really not sure why my blood glucose is so high. I have a slight headache but nothing else going on.
Maintenance Round 2, Week 4, Day 3 – 8/1
Weight: no scale
Ketostix: large
Blood Glucose:
Fasting: 91
1-hour PP (after lunch): 88
2-hour PP (after lunch): 88
I came down with something as I couldn’t keep my lunch down and my headache from yesterday progressed. Feeling slightly better today.
Maintenance Round 2, Week 4, Day 4 – 8/2
Weight: 140.2 = down 1.4 pounds
Ketostix: large
Blood Glucose:
Fasting: 85
1-hour PP (after lunch): 91
2-hour PP (after lunch): 89
I am feeling much better today but see I lost a little on the scale. Hopefully I am back on track and can start adding some more carbs into my diet.
Maintenance Round 2, Week 4, Day 5 – 8/3
Weight: 139.8 = down .4 pound
Ketostix: Moderate
Blood Glucose:
Fasting: 84
1-hour PP (after lunch): 95
2-hour PP (after lunch): 93
It has been three days since I have eaten a very full meal and it was delicious. Of course it could have something to do with the raspberries and raw cream I was able to indulge in!
[Note: Raw cream – I’m jealous@]
Maintenance Round 2, Week 4, Day 6 – 8/4
Weight: 140.8 = up 1 pound
Ketostix: large
Blood Glucose:
Fasting: 94
1-hour PP (after lunch): 92
2-hour PP (after lunch): 86
Having a good day.
Maintenance Round 2, Week 4, Day 7 – 8/5
Weight: 141 = up .2 pound
Ketostix: large
Blood Glucose:
Fasting: 86
1-hour PP (after lunch): 87
2-hour PP (after lunch): 85
My energy level is up today. It seems I have been dragging a bit this past week, probably due to being under the weather.
Maintenance Round 2, Week 5, Day 1 – 8/5
Weight: 141 = no change
Bust: 34″ = up .5″
Waist: 30″ = no change
Hips: 38.5″ = no change
Ketostix: large
Blood Glucose:
Fasting: 90
1-hour PP (after lunch): 86
2-hour PP (after lunch): 85
This is a busy Monday but I went into it prepared so all is good.
Protocol Round 3, Week 1, Day 2 – 8/7
Weight: 141.4 = up .4 pound
– 8 oz chard
– 2.5 T. butter
– 2 oz cream
– 9 oz asparagus
– 8 oz shrimp
Fitday stats:
Calories: 763
Fat: 55.1 grams (65%)
Protein: 53.2 (28%)
Carbs: 13.6 (8%)
Ketostix: Large
Blood Glucose:
Fasting: 87
1-hour PP (after lunch): 94
2-hour PP (after lunch): 88
I am excited to be back on protocol. I know I will struggle with a little hunger for a few days but I am ready for more fat loss!
Protocol Round 3, Week 1, Day 3 – 8/8
Weight: 141 = down .4 pound
– 8 oz spinach
– 2 T. butter
– 1 oz sour cream
– 9 oz asparagus
– 8 oz pork chop
– 1 oz potato
Fitday stats:
Calories: 763
Fat: 53.8 grams (63%)
Protein: 54.1 (289%)
Carbs: 15.6 (8%)
Ketostix: Large
Blood Glucose:
Fasting: 87
1-hour PP (after lunch): 88
2-hour PP (after lunch): 91
I am having a good day with not much hunger, even with reduced calories. It’s too hot to feel like eating much.
[Note: The lack of hunger comes from your consuming a LOT of calories today — from your excess adipose fat. You didn’t eat those calories with a fork, but you consumed them nevertheless. I believe you’ll meet your goal of losing more fat this round of Protocol, and be very happy with your measurements on Monday.]
Protocol Round 3, Week 1, Day 4 – 8/9
Weight: 140.4 = down .6 pound
– 8 oz chard
– 2 T. butter
– 2 oz cream
– 3 oz green beans
– 5.25 oz sirloin
– 1 oz sweet potato
– 5 oz zucchini
Fitday stats:
Calories: 737
Fat: 52.8 grams (64%)
Protein: 47.5 (26%)
Carbs: 17.9 (10%)
Ketostix: Large
Blood Glucose:
Fasting: 84
1-hour PP (after lunch): 90
2-hour PP (after lunch): 82
I feel really good on this Protocol round, and have lots of energy! I am surprised at how quickly I adapted to eating fewer calories this round, as I expected a bit of hunger.
[Note: To understand why you’re not hungry, see my note from yesterday. You are not “eating fewer calories” this round – you are eating MORE calories this round.]
Protocol Round 3, Week 1, Day 5 – 8/10
Weight: 139.6 = down .8 pound
– 4 oz chard
– 4 oz broccoli
– 1.5 T. butter
– 1 oz cream
– 1 oz tallow
– 9 oz chicken liver
– 9 oz asparagus
– 1 oz brown rice
Fitday stats:
Calories: 756
Fat: 54 grams (64%)
Protein: 50.3 (27%)
Carbs: 17.2 (9%)
Ketostix: Large
Blood Glucose:
Fasting: 75
1-hour PP (after lunch): 98
2-hour PP (after lunch): 91
I am having another great day!
Protocol Round 3, Week 1, Day 6 – 8/11
Weight: 139.6 = no change
– 8 oz spinach
– 1.5 T. butter
– 1 oz cream
– 1 oz tallow
– 8 oz salmon
– 9 oz asparagus
– 1 oz white potato
Fitday stats:
Calories: 779
Fat: 54.9 grams (63%)
Protein: 55.9 (29%)
Carbs: 15.2 (8%)
Ketostix: large
Blood Glucose:
Fasting: 75
1-hour PP (after lunch): 90
2-hour PP (after lunch): 80
My energy level is a little low today but my meal was very satisfying and I did well with the added potato.
Protocol Round 3, Week 1, Day 7 – 8/12
Weight: 139.4 = down .2 pound
– 8 oz chard
– 1.5 T. butter
– 1 oz cream
– 1 oz tallow
– 8 oz salmon
– 3 oz green beans
– 1 oz brown rice
– 4 oz zucchini
Fitday stats:
Calories: 787
Fat: 55.4 grams (63%)
Protein: 55.2 (28%)
Carbs: 16.9 (9%)
Ketostix: large
Blood Glucose:
Fasting: 74
1-hour PP (after lunch): 104
2-hour PP (after lunch): 95
This is the 3rd day of having an added carb in my menu and I may have reached my limit for now. I will forgo the carb tomorrow and see if I can get my glucose numbers down.
[Note: Your numbers are fine, if not optimal. The way to make sure your insulin knows what to do with carbs is to eat them, not run away from them. When you do that, you’re just making your insulin lazy. The goal is to heal your metabolism so that it knows how to properly deal with healthy carbohydrates. As you get better and continue to eat them, you’re insulin will become more efficient.]
Protocol Round 3, Week 2, Day 1 – 8/13
Weight: 138.8 = down .6 pound
Bust: 34″ = no change
Waist: 29″ = down 1″
Hips: 38″ = down .5″
– 8 oz spinach
– 1.5 T. butter
– 1 oz cream
– 1 T tallow
– 6 oz sirloin
– 3 oz green beans
– 4 oz asparagus
Fitday stats:
Calories: 692
Fat: 49.3 grams (64%)
Protein: 50.8 (29%)
Carbs: 11.3 (7%)
Ketostix: large
Blood Glucose:
Fasting: 77
1-hour PP (after lunch): 88
2-hour PP (after lunch): 89
I am really happy to see my waist measurement down a whole inch this morning! Blood sugar numbers are better too, so I hope to add some potato back in tomorrow.
[Note: Or corn or pasta. It’s important to eat a wide variety of foods. And look — an inch and a half of fat gone despite eating some starchy carbs all week long!]
Protocol Round 3, Week 2, Day 2 – 8/14
Weight: 138.4 = down .2 pound
– 8 oz chard
– 9 oz asparagus
– 2 T. butter
– 13 oz chicken thigh, skin eaten
– 1 oz sweet potato
Fitday stats:
Calories: 761
Fat: 53.3 grams (63%)
Protein: 54.8 (29%)
Carbs: 15.6 (8%)
Ketostix: Large
Blood Glucose:
Fasting: 74
1-hour PP (after lunch): 90
2-hour PP (after lunch): 87
I had to eat late due to an appointment so I was a little hungry. Good planning helped keep me resist snacking until I could eat my meal.
Protocol Round 3, Week 2, Day 3 – 8/15
Weight: 138.4 = no change
– 8 oz chard
– 4 oz asparagus
– 4 T. butter
– 8 oz pork chop, fat eaten
– 1 oz sweet potato
– 1 T tallow
– 3 oz green beans
Fitday stats:
Calories: 761
Fat: 53.3 grams (63%)
Protein: 54.8 (29%)
Carbs: 15.6 (8%)
Ketostix: Large
Blood Glucose:
Fasting: 81
1-hour PP (after lunch): 98
2-hour PP (after lunch): 95
Everything is going well today. Sometimes when I think I am not making much progress I go back and look at my postings from when I started. It has been over three months and I am happy that I can handle carbs better than when I began my first round of Protocol.
[Note: More than that, you’ve lost twelve pounds (nearly a full 10% of your total body weight) and FIVE inches from around your waist (plus lots more elsewhere)! You’ve gone from the outer edge of a healthy waist to a very healthy waist — the sign of low visceral fat, and lower risk for heart disease and diabetes). And you’ve gone from insulin resistant to insulin sensitive, all in less than four months.
Most importantly, despite having done two rounds of Maintenance and eating a daily boatload of fat and calories — you’ve not gained any of the weight or fat back. Something you’ve never been able to do despite many rounds of many diets. I’d say that’s quite a lot of progress, wouldn’t you? :)]
Protocol Round 3, Week 2, Day 4 – 8/16
Weight: 139 = up .6 pound
– 8 oz spinach
– 1 oz butter
– 1 oz cream
– 7 oz shrimp
– 11 oz zucchini
– 1 T tallow
– 1 oz corn, raw
Fitday stats:
Calories: 768
Fat: 51.7 grams (61%)
Protein: 45.7 (27%)
Carbs: 22.9 (12%)
Ketostix: Large
Blood Glucose:
Fasting: 77
1-hour PP (after lunch): 96
2-hour PP (after lunch): 89
All is good.
Protocol Round 3, Week 2, Day 5 – 8/17
Weight: 139 = no change
– 8 oz broccoli
– 1 oz butter
– 2 oz cream
– 9 oz chicken liver
– 9 oz asparagus
– 1 T lard
– 2 oz blueberries
Fitday stats:
Calories: 762
Fat: 51.7 grams (63%)
Protein: 45.7 (27%)
Carbs: 22.9 (10%)
Ketostix: Large
Blood Glucose:
Fasting: 81
1-hour PP (after lunch): 98
2-hour PP (after lunch): 95
I am having a good day and my meal was delicious. I really enjoyed my blueberries!
Protocol Round 3, Week 2, Day 6 – 8/18
Weight: 138.6 = down .4 pound
– 8 oz chard
– 1 T butter
– 2 oz cream
– 6 oz sirloin
– 5 oz green beans
– .5 T lard
– 1 oz corn
Fitday stats:
Calories: 709
Fat: 48.5 grams (62%)
Protein: 50.8 (28%)
Carbs: 17.2 (10%)
Ketostix: large
Blood Glucose:
Fasting: 88
1-hour PP (after lunch): 88
2-hour PP (after lunch): 90
I am having a good day and a my meal was great too.
Protocol Round 3, Week 2, Day 7 – 8/19
Weight: 138.4 = down .2 pound
– 8 oz spinach
– 1.5 T. butter
– 1 oz cream
– 1 T tallow
– 8 oz salmon
– 1 oz sweet potato
– 9 oz asparagus
Fitday stats:
Calories: 783
Fat: 54.9 grams (63%)
Protein: 55.9 (29%)
Carbs: 16.4 (8%)
Ketostix: large
Blood Glucose:
Fasting: 83
1-hour PP (after lunch): 90
2-hour PP (after lunch): 90
This round of Protocol went by really fast. I am ready to be back on Maintenance tomorrow.
Maintenance Round 3, Week 1, Day 1 – 8/20
Weight: 137.8 = down .6 pound
Bust: 34″ = no change
Waist: 29″ = no change
Hips: 38″ = no change
Ketostix: large
Blood Glucose:
Fasting: 85
1-hour PP (after lunch): 89
2-hour PP (after lunch): 84
No inches lost this week, but I lost almost four pounds AND an inch and a half this round of Protocol! I understand there’s no way the body will allow constant loss week after week, especially for someone with so little left to lose.
[Note: You may not have lost any inches this week where you measured, but given the amount of fat you’re burning, I’m sure you’ve lost inches in other places like the thighs, calves, arms and/or derriere! :)]
Maintenance Round 3, Week 1, Day 2 – 8/21
Weight: 138 = up .2 pound
Ketostix: Large
Blood Glucose:
Fasting: 89
1-hour PP (after lunch): 95
2-hour PP (after lunch): 92
Another good day. I made a berry milkshake with three simple ingredients; blueberries, cream and ice. It was delicious!
Maintenance Round 3, Week 1, Day 3 – 8/2
Weight: 138 = no change
Ketostix: Large
Blood Glucose:
Fasting: 87
1-hour PP (after lunch): 99
2-hour PP (after lunch): 101
I am not sure what was going on with my blood sugar today.
[Note: It wasn’t from the food you ate today, so either you’re under stress, coming down with something, TOM is near or – you exercised/walked, etc. before taking your PP.]
Maintenance Round 3, Week 1, Day 4 – 8/23
Weight: 138.2 = up .2 pound
Ketostix: Large
Blood Glucose:
Fasting: 84
1-hour PP (after lunch): 94
2-hour PP (after lunch): 88
Having a good day and better blood sugar numbers today.
Maintenance Round 3, Week 1, Day 5 – 8/24
Weight: 138.2 = no change
Ketostix: Large
Blood Glucose:
Fasting: 87
1-hour PP (after lunch): 88
2-hour PP (after lunch): 89
I am having another great day!
Maintenance Round 3, Week 1, Day 6 – 8/25
Weight: 138.2 = no change
Ketostix: moderate
Blood Glucose:
Fasting: 85
1-hour PP (after lunch): 89
2-hour PP (after lunch): 88
I have a busy weekend so fitting my meals in will require some good planning. Today I had everything prepped and ready to go.
Maintenance Round 3, Week 1, Day 7 – 8/26
Weight: 138.4 = up .2 pound
Ketostix: moderate
Blood Glucose:
Fasting: 86
1-hour PP (after lunch): 90
2-hour PP (after lunch): 88
Another day of being really prepared and having it payoff. I did have to eat a little late today due to obligations but it went well.
Maintenance Round 3, Week 2, Day 1 – 8/27
Weight: 138.4 = no change
Bust: 34″ = no change
Waist: 28.5″ = down .5″
Hips: 37.5″ = down .5″
Ketostix: moderate
Blood Glucose:
Fasting: 84
1-hour PP (after lunch): 89
2-hour PP (after lunch): 89
Woo hoo, down another inch! I am feeling good and encouraged by all my numbers.
Maintenance Round 3, Week 2, Day 2 – 8/28
Weight: 138.4 = no change
Ketostix: moderate
Blood Glucose:
Fasting: 86
1-hour PP (after lunch): 99
2-hour PP (after lunch): 92
Today I tried on some smaller clothes I bought last summer (thinking I would lose enough weight to fit into them, which didn’t happen), but I’m pleased to report that all of them fit now!
[Note: Fantastic!]
Maintenance Round 3, Week 2, Day 3 – 8/29
Weight: 138.4 = no change
Ketostix: moderate
Blood Glucose:
Fasting: 87
1-hour PP (after lunch): 93
2-hour PP (after lunch): 89
I had to go out of town but waited until after my meal. I took my blood sugar readings on the road and, yes, I did pull over.
Maintenance Round 3, Week 2, Day 4 – 8/30
Weight: 138.4 = no change
Ketostix: moderate
Blood Glucose:
Fasting: 86
1-hour PP (after lunch): 95
2-hour PP (after lunch): 86
I had a busy day and barely got time to eat!
Maintenance Round 3, Week 2, Day 5 – 8/31
Weight: 138.2 = down .2 pound
Ketostix: moderate
Blood Glucose:
Fasting: 87
1-hour PP (after lunch): 90
2-hour PP (after lunch): 86
I am back home after helping out my son. It is very comforting for me to be fixing my food in my own kitchen!
A Fond Farewell
To all my readers: After losing nearly 10% of my body weight (which wasn’t that much to begin with) and a whopping 14 inches of fat, and after conferring with SugarFree, I am now on Lifetime Maintenance and ready to fly the nest. I am ready to continue my journey to health on my own. Although I will not be posting, I will continue with my Protocol and Maintenance cycles until I have reached true Insulin Sensitivity again. After many unsuccessful diets, I have finally found a way of life — not a diet — that works for me.
The discovery that I had diabetes really hit me hard and made my commitment to my health the strongest it has ever been. With SugarFree’s commitment, guidance and knowledge I was given the tools and confidence to make the necessary changes in my life. Thank you, SugarFree!
You are very welcome, Shelley! You have done really well in reversing your Insulin Resistance, and in becoming a leaner, healthier person than when you began. I have every confidence that you will continue on the path, and probably help others to start theirs. Your readers and I wish you the very, very best. ~ SugarFree
Welcome, Shelley. You will be so amazed at how SugarFree’s Protocol changes your relationship with food and your body. Be prepared to say good bye to hunger. I look forward to watching your progress!
Congratulations, Shelley. You have taken the first step to healing your body and creating a new life. We will all be eager to watch the amazing changes that are ahead for you.
Hello, Cheryl and Pam. Thanks for the welcome! I have been very inspired by both of your journeys and the amazing progress you have both made. I have a lot of emotions going through my body as I start this journey, most of all excitement for a new healthy me. Thank you both for your continued support and inspiration.