HCG Experiment #1: Akcrawford72

Does HCG “work” as Dr. Simeons described? I believe this analysis has proved it does not. Does HCG do anything at in terms of obesity (except to make more fat calls from proto fat cells)? I believe this analysis has proved it does not.

But demonstrating something from a logical, scientific point of view will only go so far, for skeptics. That’s why I’ve designed what I believe is the perfect real-life experiment to prove or disprove the efficacy of HCG once and for all. I have enlisted several participants, who will be following strict rules.

There will be Four Stages of the experiment, which will last about fourteen days. Each participant will be given his or her own ‘thread’ on which they will post daily about the results of the experiment to date.


– Each participant will be on hcg throughout the experiment.

– Each participant will eat 500 calories throughout the experiment.

– Each participant will set up a FitDay account, and will log all food intake daily.

– No participant will learn of the next Stage until it is time for that stage, thus avoiding any placebo anticipation.

– Each participant has agreed to write honestly here about the results of the experiment, good, bad or ugly.

– Each participant will post daily their level of ketosis measured by a ketostix every morning, as well as the following blood glucose readings from a meter: Fasting, and Post-Prandial 1-hour and 2-hours after beginning their main meal of the day.

Once all four stages are complete, anyone reading this blog will have all the information they need to try the experiment for themselves — and I hope they will.


For the first two days of the experiment, participants will take the normal amount of hcg they usually do, and eat precisely the same food they usually do. They will log the foods at FitDay as well as here, on their thread, and will post their keto and BG numbers here for both days. Results for Stage One will begin posting on April 25th.

This is Akcrawford72’s Thread


I am 38 (39 on the 25th of April, Happy Birthday to ME!). I have struggled with my weight for as long as I can remember. My grandmother “put me on” and paid for me to be on Nutri-System in high school. I lost about 14 pounds and of course gained it all back.

I have since then been on Weight Watchers, Jennie Craig, Nutri-System again, Phen Phen, and had a consultation for a Gastric Sleeve surgery. I was introduced to HCG by two friends who lost weight successfully while doing the injections and 500 calorie diet.

I decided to give it a try. What did I have to lose after all of these years trying to fight the weight factor? I had great results on the HCG. I lost a lot in a short amount of time. I decided to take a scheduled break over my spring break for a family vacation. Well, 4 days turned into 20 days. I stayed eating Phase 3 foods during this time and I ended up gaining 7.4 above my lowest weight  by eating some rice, chips, and other carbs.

I started taking the HCG injections again six days ago with a weight of 168.2 pounds. Now I am 159.6 pounds for a loss of 7.6 pounds. For the last couple of days, I have messed with the protocol and instead of eating any fruit I have eaten 2 ounces of cheese and 2 hard-boiled eggs. I have eaten chicken, cucumbers, lettuce with homemade ranch, and asparagus.

I am excited to try the experiment because if I can learn about my body and how to keep my weight under control without HCG then I will be happy and knowledgeable. It is time for me to get control of my body and be healthy and happy 4-ever.

I hope you all take this adventure with me and learn some things about yourself along the way. Get ready for an educational ride into your bodies.


Experiment, Stage One, Day 1:

Weight: 163.8

Bust: 36.5
Waist: 36
Hips: 39

— 16 oz. coffee
— 1T. milk
–1tsp. Truvia

–1 egg + 3 egg whites
–celery 5 small stalks
–1/2 apple

–1/2 apple

— 3.5 ounces (by weight) steamed boneless, skinless chicken breast
— 1 cup (cooked) steamed asparagus

–8 strawberries

FitDay stats:
— Calories: 475
— Fat: 15.9 grams (30%)
— Protein: 50.3 grams (44%)
— Carbs: 33.6 grams (26%)

Ketostix: Trace (Trace, Small, Moderate, High]

Blood Glucose:
— Fasting: 96
1-hour PP (after lunch): 105
2-hour PP (after lunch): 107

Today I felt great. Right when I got up I was not hungry at all. By the time I get out of the shower my stomach was hurting. I started drinking water (32 ounces before I leave for work). After I get to work and start drinking water I feel much better.  I was not hungry at all even at lunch. I do however always feel hungry after I eat my fruit, especially apples. Today was no different. I felt very hungry afterward today. Day 1 is in the bag and I can’t wait to see what tomorrow brings.

Stage One, Day 2

Weight: 162.8 = Down 1 Pound

— coffee
— ½ oz. half/half
— 1 tablespoon SF Caramel Syrup
— 1 boiled egg

— 75 g. grilled (foreman grill) boneless, skinless chicken breast
— celery, 4 small stalks
— 7.5 strawberries

— 75 g. grilled (foreman grill) boneless, skinless chicken breast
— 1 cups romaine lettuce
— 2 tablespoons Pace Picante Sauce

— apple

FitDay stats:
— Calories: 530
— Fat: 19.5 grams (33%)
— Protein: 53.6 grams (40%)
— Carbs: 35.3  grams (27%)

Ketostix: Negative (Negative, Trace, Small, Moderate, High]

Blood Glucose:
— Fasting: 100
— 1-hour PP (after lunch): 111
— 2-hour PP (after lunch): 101

This morning after my shower I was extremely hungry, and I had a horrible headache. I added an egg this morning because of this and it put me over the 500 calories. It is the week before my TOM and I have PMDD, so PMS for me is not good. This could account for the hunger and the headache.

I am also wondering after tweaking my food last week by excluding the fruit and replacing with cheese and eggs if this doesn’t have anything to do with it. My losses were so great when I did this and I felt fabulous as well. I was never hungry or fatigued like I feel today. Again, this could also be due to the PMS.

I am really disappointed in myself, as was down to 159.6 on Saturday and after over indulging (a little chocolate, cookie,  and too much wine) throughout the Easter weekend I have had to back track from my 4.2 gain. I think I would get it back down a lot faster if I were able to add the cheese and eggs instead of the fruit.
I am hoping that we will be seeing an increase in our protein and maybe some fat (chocolate would be good too ; ) during the experiment, but we will see. Until tomorrow…

Stage One, Day 3

Weight: 162.8 = down 0 pounds

— coffee
— ½ oz. half/half
–3tsp. SF Caramel Syrup

–3.5 oz. (by weight) boneless, skinless chicken breast
–2 cups lettuce
–2 tablespoons Pace Picante Sauce

— 3.5 oz. (by weight) sirloin steak
— asparagus
–8 strawberries

FitDay stats:
— Calories: 514
— Fat:  17 grams (30%)
— Protein: 64.1 grams (52%)
— Carbs: 26.7 grams (19%)

Ketostix: Negative-Trace  (Negative, Trace, Small, Moderate, High]

Blood Glucose:
— Fasting: 110
— 1-hour PP 105 (after lunch):
— 2-hour PP 101 (after lunch):

TMO reared its ugly head this morning an entire week early. This never happens to me, so a little perplexed as to why. I believe this has a lot to do with how awful and hungry I felt yesterday. I am really hungry again this morning, but do not feel tired and miserable like yesterday.  (I feel much better since I have drunk my coffee with some half and half).

I had no change in weight which is getting really frustrating. I am sick of never getting out of the 160’s. I still have 30 to 40 pounds to lose and at the rate I am going (up and down) I will never achieve this. I thought I would have been close to the 140’s by now. I never planned on doing HCG over and over to get to my goal. The way my stats are going I could be doing 3-5 rounds taking way longer than anticipated. This is not what I had in my plan.

As you can see my fasting BG is elevated, don’t really understand any of it, but know this has not been my norm in the AM. I once again failed to get enough protein in. I cannot figure out how to do this without going over the 500 calories unless I take out the fruit and add protein with fat (would still go over 500 calories). I need help with this part. I look forward to moving on to Stage Two of the experiment.

Stage One, Day 4

Weight: 162.8 = 0 pounds loss

Bust, Day 1: 36.5 — Bust, Day 4: 36 = .5″ lost
Waist, Day 1: 36 — Waist, Day 4: 36 = 0″ lost
Hips, Day 1: 40 — Hips, Day 4: 40 = 0″ lost

– coffee
– ½ oz. half/half
– 3 tsp. SF Caramel Syrup

– 3.5 oz. (by weight) tilapia
– 4 oz. cucumbers
– orange

2 Melba toast

– 3.5 oz. (by weight) chicken breast
– 6 stalks asparagus
– 8 strawberries

FitDay stats:
– Calories: 520
– Fat: 15.9 grams (28%)
– Protein: 56.1 grams (43%)
– Carbs: 38 grams (29%)

Ketostix: Trace (Negative, Trace, Small, Moderate, High]

Blood Glucose:
– Fasting: 109
– 1-hour PP (after lunch): 111
– 2-hour PP (after lunch): 98

Are you kidding me with another day of no losses? I am seriously getting ticked off at this point. This is the point where I just basically want to be done and give up. I am really on edge today and very easily agitated.

I am going to leave today at that. Ready to move on to Stage 2, and get to the good time feeling and losing (hoping this is how this all turns out).



Although Part IV of this series has made clear, through biology and Simeons’ own words, that HCG is to fat liberation what Dumbo’s feather is to flying, here are two paragraphs taken directly from P&I in context. That is, the second paragraph directly follows the first — and contradicts it.

“In many countries specially prepared unsweetened and low Calorie foods are freely available, and some of these can be tentatively used. When local conditions or the feeding habits of the population make changes necessary, it must be borne in mind that the total daily intake must not exceed 500 Calories if the best possible results are to be obtained, that the daily ration should contain 200 grams of fat-free protein and a very small amount of starch.”

In this paragraph Simeons clearly states what matters to successful weight loss: very low calories that contain no sugar and perhaps a tiny amount of starch. Why? Because sugar and starch spike insulin, insulin prevents lipolysis, and without lipolysis there will be no fat  loss, which means hunger with little pounds lost. Eat sugar and starch for your 500 calories, and HCG will be useless: In fact, to the extent that you are insulin resistant is the extent to which eating these 500 calories will stop weight loss dead and make you ravenous. Eat 500 calories of no sugar or starch however, and HCG is immaterial: without any of it at all lipolysis will commence, fat cells will open, hunger will diminish and a lot of pounds/fat/inches will be gone.

“Just as the daily dose of HCG is the same in all cases, so the same diet proves to be satisfactory for a small elderly lady of leisure or a hard-working muscular giant. Under the effect of HCG the obese body is always able to obtain all the Calories it needs from the abnormal fat deposits, regardless of whether it uses up 1500 or 4000 per day. It must be made very clear to the patient that he is living to a far greater extent on the fat which he is losing than on what he eats.”

Always? Well, no. Not always, but never if your 500 calories contain a lot of carbohydrates, especially sugar. That’s what Stage Two is designed to demonstrate. As readers have seen in Stage One, to the extent that our participants are insulin resistant, is the extent to which they have failed to lose either weight or hunger even while taking HCG, and even while eating starvation level calories … for days at a time.

Think about that, and about how even our first few days of this experiment have kicked CICO and its proponents in their collective butts. No participant went over 700 calories even once, yet little to no weight was lost by some of them. This is exactly the ‘mystery’ of locked metabolic ward studies, where the staff feeds massively overweight participants every morsel of food they eat, which is always starvation level calories consisting of extremely low-fat, high ‘complex’ carbohydrates and protein — yet who, when weighed at the end of a week have gained weight in the form of fat.

“But they’re not taking HCG!” some of you might say. And that’s true. So in Stage Two, all participants will continue with their HCG injections. And they will continue to eat 500 calories — starvation level. Protein will remain the same as Simeons prescribed: 200 fat-free grams by weight, up to 250 calories a day.

However — for the remaining 250 calories, participants will eat fat-free or low-fat sugar foods. They may have low-fat: cookies, candy, ice-cream, doughnuts or soft-drinks as they desire. No fruit or vegetables.

Will “under the effect of HCG the obese body is always able to obtain all the Calories it needs from the abnormal fat deposits” hold true? I doubt it. Will they lose weight? Not likely. Will their blood sugars spike? Probably. Will they be, despite the HCG, as ravenously hungry as those who have “tried but failed to do 500 calories without HCG?” Oh, yes, indeed they will. Maybe not the first day, but as the days of Stage Two go on.

And if this turns out to be the case — if HCG fails to perform as Simeons states it always will, as he states it did for the Fat Boys who ate many more calories than 500, and where those calories contained lots of sugar — then we must conclude, as Simeons himself admitted when discussing Vegetarians, that it is the composition of the calories that really matters, and not injecting HCG. Either the composition of the calories promotes lipolysis, or the composition of the calories prevents lipolysis — and the difference between those two poles depends on the extent to which one is insulin resistant.

Let Stage Two Commence!

Stage Two, Day 1

Weight: 162 = down .8 pounds

Bust, Day 4: 36
Waist, Day 4: 36
Hips, Day 4: 40

2 tsp. (Real) sugar

–3.5 oz. (by weight) chicken breast
–1/2 3 Musketeer Bar
–1 Cinnamon Bear

– 3.5 oz. (by weight) chicken breast
–1/2 Musketeer Bar
–1 Cinnamon Bear

FitDay stats:
– Calories: 508
– Fat: 15.6 grams (27%)
– Protein: 38.4 grams (32%)
– Carbs: 52.5 grams (41%)

Ketostix: Trace (Negative, Trace, Small, Moderate, High]

Blood Glucose:
– Fasting: 110
– 1-hour PP (after lunch): 119
– 2-hour PP (after lunch): 125

So first off, yeah for the .8 loss finally! This morning I woke up all excited because I get to eat candy, cookies, and ice cream for a couple of days. I went to the store to get myself some things, and as I started looking around for “bad stuff” (there are no fat-free doughnuts) I see there isn’t really anything I can eat. Four cinnamon bears are 130 calories; a doughnut was almost 300 calories. I finally settled for the 3 Musketeer Bar for 200 calories (split between lunch and dinner) and a couple of cinnamon bears for the day. It is going to be a long Stage 2.

I ate my 1 cinnamon bear at about 10:30 and my chicken at 11:30. I am going to take my 1-hour and 2-hour PP after this. I feel rather well today, which is strange because today I feel better than any of the days of Stage 1. This is confusing since I am not really eating any food and a ton of sugar. I am sure Lisa will explain this to me. ; ) Overall good day today!

Just got done taking my 2-hr PP — WOW is all I got. I have not even eaten my ½ of candy bar yet, was saving it for 3:00 snack. I have had my coffee w/sugar, 1 cinnamon bear and my chicken today. The weird and confusing thing about all of this is why do I feel okay? I am sure by tonight I will feel a real decline in energy and will feel very tired. Okay – give it to me.

Stage Two, Day 2

Weight: 162 = down 0 pounds

Bust, Day 4: 35
Waist, Day 4: 37
Hips, Day 4: 39

2 tsp. (Real) sugar

–1 3 Musketeer Bar

– 4.0 oz. (by weight) sirloin steak


–1 hard boiled egg

FitDay stats:
– Calories: 486
– Fat: 23.9 grams (44%)
– Protein: 31 grams (26%)
– Carbs: 36.8 grams (30%)

Ketostix: Negative (Negative, Trace, Small, Moderate, High]

Blood Glucose:
– Fasting: 106
– 1-hour PP (after lunch): 138
– 2-hour PP (after lunch): 87

I want to clarify something for those who raised the issue about my TOM starting on the first day of the experiment. We all know most women gain a pound or two of water weight during this time. Not once since I began HCG though, has this been true for me. It has never affected my losses during this time. Anyway, it was not supposed to be my TOM, it seemed to arrive a week early but ended up only being some spotting. It stopped the next day and I have been normal ever since.

I made it through last night until about 6:30 and then had some hunger, but I had already had my chicken and last of my candy bar, drank lots of water until bed.

I was hungry this morning when I woke up and was fine after I started drinking my coffee. This lasted me until about 10:30 and I had big hunger pains. I just heated my coffee and started drinking my water. At 11:15 or so I could not stand it anymore so I was going to eat my half of candy bar. I ended up eating the whole thing. It is 12:15 and I have a headache, hunger. I have decided to sip on a Diet Pepsi throughout the afternoon today while drinking my water in order to help curb any hunger.

This stage of the experiment is actually more mentally challenging for me now than the hunger (it goes in and out, and so far isn’t unbearable). I do think about food all day long. The first taste of sugary food just triggers something in me and makes me want more and more candy, cake, etc. I have spent a lot of the day just wanting to eat, eat, and eat and not, not, not.

I have family coming for a BBQ tonight so I am waiting the rest of the day to eat any of my protein. I am going to boil an egg to eat later in the evening for a snack. I do not have any calories left for any sugary treats. This is going to be a tough day and I really hope I can make it through another day tomorrow.

It is 1:30 now and I feel very shaky and tired. I also feel a little light-headed. I just took my PP blood glucose and as you can see it was a big drop. I am wondering if this is attributing to my shaky feeling. I am also very hungry. Going to open and sip on the Diet Pepsi now.

Also, are my measurements really possible? I officially do not like you right now!

Stage Two, Day 3

Weight: 163.2 = up 1.2 pounds

Bust, Day 4: 35
Waist, Day 4: 37
Hips, Day 4: 39

Coffee w/fat-free half and half
2 tsp. (Real) sugar

–1 hard-boiled egg
–1/2 piece chocolate cake

– 3.5 oz. (by weight) chicken breast
– 1/2 piece chocolate cake

– 1 hard-boiled egg

FitDay stats:
– Calories: 514
– Fat: 26 grams (46%)
– Protein: 33.8 grams (26%)
– Carbs: 36.1 grams (28%)

Ketostix: Trace (Negative, Trace, Small, Moderate, High)

Blood Glucose:
– Fasting: 99
– 1-hour PP (after lunch): 118
– 2-hour PP (after lunch): 75

I ate dinner at about 6:30 and ended up eating my egg with my steak instead of later. I felt super hungry before dinner and just kept sipping on that good ole’ Diet Pepsi to get me through. It felt so good to eat the steak and egg. I felt positively satisfied afterwards and through the rest of the evening.

I woke up pretty hungry so I put some FF half and half in my coffee and drank this slowly through the morning as well. I am curious to see what will happen tonight when I eat the cake with dinner. I am over it and that is all I got!

Stage Two, Day 1

Weight: 164.8 = UP 1.6 pounds

1 T. milk

– 3.5 oz. (by weight) chicken breast
– 4 celery stalks
– 8 strawberries

– 3.5 oz. (by weight) chicken breast
– 4 oz. cucumber
– apple

FitDay stats:
– Calories: 410
– Fat: 11.9 grams (26%)
– Protein: 44.7 grams (44%)
– Carbs: 30.9 grams (30%)

Ketostix: Trace (Negative, Trace, Small, Moderate, High)

Blood Glucose:
– Fasting: 95
– 1-hour PP (after lunch): 101
– 2-hour PP (after lunch): 88

The scale is going the WRONG way. I was hungry this morning but kept subsided with coffee. I was really happy to not have to eat any sugar today. The strawberries were enough for me and I feel much better today. I do have some hunger in and out through the day. Overall a good day.

Stage Three, Day 2

Weight: 163.2 = down 1.6 pounds

Coffee w/T. milk

– 3.5 oz. (by weight) chicken breast
– 4 oz. cucumber
– Orange

– 3.5 oz. (by weight) chicken breast
– Romaine lettuce

2 hard-boiled eggs

FitDay stats:
– Calories: 489
– Fat: 21 grams (39%)
– Protein: 52.9 grams (43%)
– Carbs: 22.1 grams (18%)

Ketostix: Negative (Negative, Trace, Small, Moderate, High)

Blood Glucose:
– Fasting: 110
– 1-hour PP (after lunch): 119
– 2-hour PP (after lunch): 90

Glad to see a loss, but disappointed I am up 1.2 pounds. Hoping for it to come off tomorrow for the start of Stage Four. I felt really good today. I am so ready for Stage Four I just cannot wait for instructions.

Editors Note: Sorry for the delay in posting Day 1 of Stage 4, but I wanted to write the Overview and Analysis of the Experiment first, and that turned out to be a longer piece than expected.

Stage Four, Day 1

Bust: 36″ = .5″ lost
Waist: 36″ = 0″ lost
Hips: 40″ = 0″ lost

Weight: 163.2 = down 0 pounds

12 oz. latte

–3 oz. (by weight) chicken breast
–1 cup lettuce
— Homemade ranch dressing, made with 1 cup Duke’s mayo and 1 cup sour cream, plus 3 teaspoons of a ranch dressing dry packet.

— 3.2 oz. (by weight) steak
–2 oz. baked potato
— 1.25 T. Butter
–1 cup lettuce
— 1 cucumber, 4 oz.
— Homemade Ranch

FitDay stats:
— Calories: 747
— Fat: 49.2 grams (59%)
— Protein: 52.5 grams (28%)
— Carbs: 23.5 grams (13%)

Ketostix: Negative (Negative, Trace, Small, Moderate, High)

Blood Glucose:
— Fasting: 93
— 1-hour PP (after lunch): 87
— 2-hour PP (after lunch): 76

Feel really good today. Love the fat! I felt really well overall throughout the day. I was hungry some this morning as always, but was fine after my coffee.I need to figure out how to enjoy my coffee without it being in the form of a latte. I was good all morning except right before lunch. Since eating lunch, I have felt good. I have no hunger and did not eat all of my salad. Good day today. Hope I see a loss in the morning.

Stage Four, Day 2

Weight: 162.2 = down 1 pound

coffee w/2.75 T. dairy creamer

– 2 eggs + 1 egg scrambled
– 3 slices Oscar Mayer Bacon

– 4 oz. sirloin steak
1 oz. baked potato
1 T. butter
2 cups lettuce

FitDay stats:
– Calories: 751
– Fat: 49.5 grams (59%)
– Protein: 50.8 grams (27%)
– Carbs: 25.5 grams (14%)

Ketostix: Negative (Negative, Trace, Small, Moderate, High)

Blood Glucose:
– Fasting: 86
– 1-hour PP (after lunch): 85
– 2-hour PP (after lunch): 91 (not sure why this went up and not down)

Last night and this morning I felt good. I woke up to no hunger and a 1 pound loss (happy dance!) Then at about 8:30 my stomach started rumbling with some hunger pains. I realized I had not had my coffee yet, which I usually start drinking about 8:00 after I get to work. After I drank some coffee it helped the hunger. I really think I can handle the no breakfast thing and just have my coffee get me through in the mornings if the lipolysis theory holds true for getting as much time in between your dinner and your meal the next day.

I had the day off work today, so took the time to run some errands and get a much-needed haircut. I finally got back into my car and it is now 2:00 in the afternoon and I have not eaten anything yet and just realized it, as I have not felt hungry. Now I am feeling the hunger pains and I will be eating my lunch as soon as I get home. I hope by eating so late, I will be able to get down all of my dinner. We usually eat around 6:00, but I might wait until 7 or so. It was a good day.

Stage Four, Day 3

Weight: 162 = down .2 pound

– coffee w/ 2.5 oz. half and half

– 4 oz. sirloin steak
– 1.75 baked potato
– 2 cups lettuce
– .5 T Chipotle Ranch
– .5 T. Butter

– 3 oz. chicken thigh w/skin baked
– .5 T. butter
– 1 cup lettuce
– .5 T. Chipotle Ranch

FitDay stats:
– Calories: 751
– Fat: 51.2 grams (61%)
– Protein: 45.7 grams (24%)
– Carbs: 26.8 grams (15%)

Ketostix: Negative (Negative, Trace, Small, Moderate, High)

Blood Glucose:
– Fasting: 88
– 1-hour PP (after dinner): 91
– 2-hour PP (after dinner): 87

I thought I would have a much better loss that .2 today. I am going to stay positive and stick with the plan, but I did have a good day. I was not hungry at all this morning. I was going to go ahead and eat something this morning like some cheese or an egg, but didn’t need to. I had my coffee with cream and was very satisfied.

At around 10:30 I did start feeling a little hungry, but I can’t imagine this to not be expected since I eat lunch at 11:00 every day during the week. I ate lunch at around 11:20 and had to watch as my Superintendent pass out ice cream sundaes with the works for Teacher Appreciation Week. I just kept eating my steak and potato and thinking; oh yeah, we will see how your PP BG levels are in an hour.


  • Due to Mother’s Day, all participants (and your faithful blogger) have the day off, so there will be no reports tomorrow.
  • Stage Four has gone so well for the participants, they have all agreed to continue on Monday and go through the week.
  • At the end of that time, some will continue a bit longer at Stage Four, and some will go on to the Maintenance Stage.
  • Starting Monday, readers will be able to pose direct questions about the Experiment to participants on their threads, and participants will reply themselves. Please do not post your questions before Monday or they will be deleted. Also, please make sure you post your question to the right thread, or you may never find it again. 🙂

Stage Four, Day 6

Weight: 161.2 = down .8 pound

coffee with 2.75 T. real dairy creamer** contains sugar!

– 4 oz. sirloin steak
– 1.75 baked potato
– 2 cups lettuce
– .5 T Chipotle Ranch
– .5 T. Butter

– 3 oz. chicken thigh w/skin baked
– .5 T. butter
– 1 cup lettuce
– .5 T. Chipotle Ranch

FitDay stats:
– Calories: 751
– Fat: 51.2 grams (61%)
– Protein: 45.7 grams (25%)
– Carbs: 26.8 grams (14%)

Ketostix: Negative (Negative, Trace, Small, Moderate, High)

Blood Glucose:
– Fasting: 95
– 1-hour PP (after dinner): 91

– 2-hour PP (after dinner): 88

I ate exactly the same thing as yesterday (boring I know) because we were going to my in-laws at the beach. I already had everything weighed and cooked so it was much easier for me to just take my food with me.

I have felt great again today and was very happy to see a loss even if it wasn’t quite a pound. A loss is a loss in my book. I am going to try and be really good tomorrow for Mother’s Day, but might just indulge just a little. I do know my kids are planning some breakfast thing for me so let’s hope they make some bacon and eggs.

Happy Mother’s Day to all of the beautiful mothers, have a wonderful day with your children and cherish your moment.

Stage 4, Week 2, Day 1

Weight: 163.2 = up 2 pounds

Bust: 36′ = 0″ lost
Waist: 35.5″ = .5″ lost
Hips: 40 = 0″ lost

1 oz. heavy cream

4.2 oz. (by weight) chicken breast
1 cup lettuce
4 oz. cucumber

3 thick slices bacon (yield after cooking)
1.5 slices 100 % whole wheat bread
.5 T. Butter
3 lettuce leaves
1.5 oz. avocado

FitDay stats:
– Calories: 758
– Fat: 50.8 grams (60%)
– Protein: 49.7 grams (26%)
– Carbs: 25.4 grams (14%)

Ketostix: Negative (Negative, Trace, Small, Moderate, High)

Blood Glucose:
– Fasting: 110
– 1-hour PP (after lunch): 96
– 2-hour PP (after lunch): 89

Yes, I am up 2 whole pounds due to indulgences on Mother’s Day. I ate pancakes and hash browns and toast for breakfast. Later in the afternoon I ate some candy and chocolate. I feel really bloated today and I have a headache.

I am getting back on track today and see if I can get into the 150’s once and for all by next week. I am not surprised about my Fasting BG with all of the carbs and sugar I ate. I thought it would be worse than this. I was glad to be back to my eating regimen today. Eating like I ate on Mother’s Day really does a toll on how I feel. Hope to be back down tomorrow after this nasty gain.

Note: The water weight is certainly in part from all the sugar on Mother’s Day, but you ate over your carbs and fat today, with not enough protein — and for a few days before that you had the ‘dairy’ creamer w/sugar and the chipotle dressing w/sugar. However, if you’re careful in planing via FitDay this week, that water should be gone by week’s end. The more insulin resistant you are, the more days it takes to shake sugar’s effects.

Try eating a large, multi-veg salad with each meal this week, dropping the chicken breasts (forever!) and adding red meat like steak, burgers and pork, and dark meat poultry. And instead of more bread, try a handful of french fries or even better: a baked potato with butter and sour cream. And eggs. Lots of eggs. Your body will thank you. 🙂

On the plus side — you lost half an inch of fat off your waist in four days — that’s Fabulous!

Stage Four, Week 2, Day 2

Weight: 161.4 = down 1.8 pound (let’s get to the 150’s)

coffee w/1.5 oz. heavy cream

3 oz. chicken thigh, skin eaten

3 oz. ground beef (yield after cooking)
1 LaTortilla Low Carb Tortilla
1 oz. shredded cheddar cheese
2 oz. tomato

FitDay stats:
Calories: 742
Fat: 49.9 grams (60%)
Protein: 51.9 grams (28%)
Carbs: 21.4 grams (12%)

Ketostix: Negative (Negative, Trace, Small, Moderate, High)

Blood Glucose:
Fasting: 104
1-hour PP (after lunch): 99
2-hour PP (after dinner): 92

I am not sure what is going on with me today, but I am feeling pretty defeated. I am not sure why, but I feel kind of overwhelmed and stressed. These two combination’s are not good for me. I guess it is just one of those days. I feel like I could just cheat and not care about how well I do today. I am going to try hard not to do that.

I was low on calories today, and low on my protein and carbs. It was one of those days where I had to just hurry and do what I could do because there was no thinking until I came home late tonight. I hope the numbers being off doesn’t mess me up tomorrow.

I was pretty hungry this morning. I don’t know why, because I have felt really good up until now. I wonder if it is because of my bad eating on Sunday and my higher glucose levels the last couple days.

I felt okay after lunch and dinner. I am really tired, and I have a long couple days ahead of me. I need to get prepared ahead of time so I do not gain because of stress. I was really happy about my losses this morning and hope I can continue on this path.

[Note: You’ve lost so much weight and fat, it’s only natural to feel a bit stressed and wonder if it will keep up. It will! You’re still seeing the effects of eating sugar in the last few days, but that will pass. If you’ve got a few long days ahead of you, make sure you take care of yourself by eating as well as you can. Your nutrition stats today look pretty good. Your fat intake was 60% of all calories (which weren’t as low as you thought), your carbs are fine, and you’re just a bit under in protein. Maybe taking a hard-boiled egg wrapped in plastic for emergency along with you would help. 🙂 Otherwise, keep right on doing what you’re doing — which is terrific!]

Stage Four, Week 2, Day 3

Weight: 161.4 = down 0

1 oz. heavy cream

Egg, large, hard boiled
Large salad: 2 cups lettuce, 6 slices cucumber, broccoli, and cauliflower
.5 oz. sour cream
1 T. Pace
107.5 g. salmon

107.5 g. salmon
1.75 oz. baked potato
1 T. butter
.5 oz. sour cream

FitDay stats:
Calories: 708
Fat: 47.6 grams (61%)
Protein: 55.6 grams (32%)
Carbs: 12.8 grams (7%)

Ketostix: Negative (Negative, Trace, Small, Moderate, High)

Blood Glucose:
Fasting: 104
1-hour PP (after lunch): 91
2-hour PP (after lunch): 99

No losses today and I was hungry again this morning, but made it through with my coffee. It is amazing how much less creamer I need with the heavy cream instead of half/half. I am wondering if in the maintenance phase I will be able to have my 16 oz. latte again with half/half.

I am also wondering about the ketostix and if they are ever going to say anything besides negative or trace. I don’t really understand it. If you are negative or trace doesn’t this mean you are not in lipolysis and therefore not losing fat (confusing)?

[Note: Calories and Carbs were actually less than reported, because you selected Baked Potato Skins instead of Baked Potato. Also, protein was too high, and fat was too low. To reduce blood sugar numbers, better to eat more fat, than more protein. Cutting out the egg with lunch and melting butter on the salmon might have been a better choice.

Ketostix have nothing to do with whether or not you are in lipolysis. You are in lipolysis in the absence of insulin, and the proof is not on the stix, but on your measuring tape. If you are losing inches on waist and/or hips, you are burning stored adipose fat. And the only way to do this is through lipolysis. All this can take place without ever showing more than trace or negative on the stix for many reasons. You can be very ketone adapted, in which case there are no extra ketones to spill out with your urine. Or you can drink a lot of liquids during the day, which dilutes the ketones so they don’t show up on the stix.

Getting your blood sugars down is the key to lipolysis, and thus fat and weight loss. What will help to do that? Keep protein to the minimum, and eat all your fat. And, if that still doesn’t do it, it may be time to think about a medication that will help — metformin. It’s not a sign of defeat to admit that your metabolism needs medical help to heal — that’s a sign of strength.]

Stage Four, Week 2, Day 4

Weight: 162.6 = up 1.2 pound

1 oz. half/half

2 eggs fried

5 oz. baked salmon
3.5 oz. baked potato
1.25 T. butter
2 oz. sour cream

FitDay stats:
Calories: 754
Fat: 49.5 grams (59%)
Protein: 51.2 grams (27%)
Carbs: 25.9 grams (14%)

Ketostix: Negative (Negative, Trace, Small, Moderate, High)

Blood Glucose:
Fasting: 106
– 1-hour PP (after lunch): 95
– 2-hour PP (after dinner): 105

I gained some water weight this morning do to the fact I went out with my teaching partner after receiving some devastating news about our jobs for next year (we will be laid off after 9 years in our district due to enrollment and state budget cuts). I had chips with salsa and 2 margaritas. Did it make me feel better doing this, at the time yes, today NO.

I will be out-of-town on Friday and Saturday, so I will not be posting again until Sunday. I plan on packing a cooler full of food to take with me into the Convention Center where I will be all day and late into the night both days. The only opportunity for eating will be to buy food from the vendors (not an option for me). I will snack on cheese, eggs, and maybe a little bread with lots of butter. Wish me luck on my Sunday weigh-in when I will be back to pick up where I left off.

I am going to keep my chin up about my employment status and I will not let it send me into a health disaster. You are all wonderful and I know I can find support from all of you. Until Sunday, everyone have a fabulous weekend. Angie~

[Note: Angie, I am so sorry to hear about your losing your job! After working so long at something you love, hearing the news must have been devastating. I hope the school board will find the money to call you and your friend back but if not, I just know the two of you will land on your feet. Maybe start your own business. 🙂

You know you have the support of everyone here … so let us know if there’s any way we can help. Enjoy the convention, and good for you for packing your own Good Eats!]

Stage Four, Week 3, Day 1

Weight: 165 = Up 2.4 pounds


Bust: 36″ = 0 change
Waist: 35.5″ = 0 change
Hips: 39″ = down 1″

1 oz. heavy cream
3 pieces bacon

Large salad: 2 cups lettuce, 6 slices cucumber, broccoli, and cauliflower
.5 oz. sour cream
2.5 oz. salmon

2.5 oz. salmon
3.5 oz. baked potato
1 T. butter
.5 oz. sour cream

FitDay stats:
Calories: 747
Fat: 49.8 grams (60%)
Protein: 50.8 grams (27%)
Carbs: 23.8 grams (13%)

Ketostix: Negative (Negative, Trace, Small, Moderate, High)

Blood Glucose:
Fasting: 90
1-hour PP (after lunch): 105
2-hour PP (after lunch): 97

It felt really good today to be back eating normal food. I am going to work really hard this week to get myself back where I need to be. I did not ever feel hungry today. I just felt really cruddy. I was tired and had a headache. I am sure my body is doing some major detoxing.

Weight: 163.2 = Down 1.8 pounds

1 oz. heavy cream

Large salad: 2 cups lettuce, 6 slices cucumber, broccoli, and cauliflower
1 egg hard-boiled

3.5 oz. lean ground beef
1 oz. cheddar cheese
1.5 oz. tomato
1 oz. sour cream
1 oz. olives
LaTortilla Factory Low Carb Tortilla

FitDay stats:
Calories: 784
Fat: 54.8 grams (63%)
Protein: 48.5 grams (25%)
Carbs: 24.2 grams (12%)

Ketostix: Negative (Negative, Trace, Small, Moderate, High)

Blood Glucose:
Fasting: 96
1-hour PP (after lunch): 102
2-hour PP (after lunch): 86

Down 1.8 thank goodness. Felt good today and hoping to be back to 161 by the end of the week so next week I can be back to losing weight and not trying to catch up from gains. I think I can be there by this weekend. I am hoping I get to do one more week before maintenance, but have not heard what is next for the experiment.

Stage Four, Week 2, Day 2

Weight: 163.2 = down 0 pounds

Breakfast: Coffee with 1 oz. heavy cream

2.4 oz. beef sirloin
3.5 oz. potato
.5 oz. cheese
mixed green salad
1.5 T. oil/vinegar
.5 T. butter
.5 oz. sour cream

Dinner:  3 oz. chicken breast

FitDay stats:
Calories: 747
Fat: 49.2 grams (59%)
Protein: 52.6 grams (28%)
Carbs: 23.5 grams (13%)

Ketostix: Negative (Negative, Trace, Small, Moderate, High)

Blood Glucose:
Fasting: 106
1-hour PP (after lunch): 95
2-hour PP (after lunch): 92

Today I was really hungry in the morning. It was hard for me to make it to lunch and the coffee was not doing the trick. I also felt a bit hungry around 2:00. I have not had much hunger throughout the experience so it was rather unpleasant.

I had been feeling annoyed lately with spending the time getting my food counts and stats every day. It is time-consuming. I kept thinking: I hope I don’t have to do this in maintenance because I don’t want to have to do this the rest of my life.

After a great conversation with a friend I came to realize that I am worth the time and energy to weigh and measure and see what I’m really eating. And my family deserves to have me at my optimal health. If I had cancer and had to eat certain food in certain amounts as well as going to chemo I would do it without question, so why can’t I do this without getting annoyed or tired of it? I am worth it!

[Note: First, the hunger issue. If you are hungry in the morning, eat! Have a small  piece of cheese with your coffee.

Second, one of the reasons you’re hungry is that you’re not eating enough food. From here on out, please have at least one large helping of green veggies with each meal. A salad for lunch or dinner is fine, as is broccoli, greens (like beet, chard, kale, collard, etc), asparagus, cabbage (roasted with garlic butter poured over it is fabulous), green beans, etc. One of the greatest ways to eat veggies is in a stir-fry: lots of veggies and a little (but delicious) protein! Look for sauces that add flavor but no sugar, like garlic chilli, sold in most supermarkets. A teaspoon of soy sauce every once in a while is fine because it’s usually made with fermented soy beans, which unlike the stuff normally sold here, is healthy to eat.

Second, if you are getting such a high fasting glucose number again after eating another Low Carb Tortilla (or any other food, like that Chipotle Dressing) — it has hidden sugar. Toss. Always better to eat a real food instead of a fake food where possible anyway. If you want a tortilla, have half a regular one rather than the soy-filled stuff that’s usually in the low carb foods.

Third, the largest size potato you can eat (by weight, before cooking) is 2 ounces. That’s a small potato. A 100 gram potato is large … as big as a 3.5 ounce steak.

Fourth: Ixnay on the Ickenchay Estbray. 🙂 NO MORE CHICKEN BREASTS. Eat real meat that will provide you with real nutrients: Red meat. Pork, including bacon. Eggs, eggs and more eggs. Poached with hollandaise. Hard-boiled mashed with mayo and sour cream, or deviled. Scrambled with cream and cheese. Bacon on the side.

And of course, wonderful organ meat like chicken, duck and calves liver — either by themselves in cream sauce, or in pates. And fatty fish, like salmon in butter. If you must have poultry, duck breasts with the skin is the best, followed by chicken thighs with the skin on. Go forth — eat good. And yes, you’re worth it! :)]

Stage 4, Week 2, Day 3

Weight: 162 = Down 1.2 pounds

Coffee with 1 oz. heavy cream

Salad greens with broccoli and cucumber slices
1.5 T. vinegar & oil dressing
2 eggs hard-boiled

3 oz. chicken thigh (skin eaten)

3.5 oz. sirloin steak
2 oz. baked potato
.5 oz. sour cream
6 stalks asparagus sautéed in butter

FitDay stats:
Calories: 745
Fat: 53.9 grams (65%)
Protein: 51.8 grams (28%)
Carbs: 13.2 grams (7%)

Ketostix: Negative (Negative, Trace, Small, Moderate, High)

Blood Glucose:
Fasting: 101
1-hour PP (after lunch): 97
2-hour PP (after lunch): 89

I was so excited to wake up with a 1.2 loss. I have almost made it back to Pre-Mother’s Day. I felt really good today-no hunger at all. Really great day today.

[Note: Woo-hoo! Fantastic, Angie. 🙂 One quick note: please take your PP’s after the meal that contains starch carbs like potatoes; the results will be more accurately reflective of your insulin resistance.]

Stage 4, Week 3, Day 5 – Friday, May 20, 2011 — No Report.

Stage 4, Week 3, Day 6 – May 21

Weight: 162 = No Loss

coffee with 1 oz. half and half

3 eggs scrambled w/butter
.5 oz. cheese

3 oz. chicken breast
1/2 cup pasta salad w/oil-vinegar
6 stalks asparagus

Ketostix: Negative

Blood Glucose: none taken

Fit Day Stats:
Calories: 762
Fat: 51 grams (60%)
Protein: 52.7 grams (28%)
Carbs: 23.1 grams (12%)

I did not post yesterday because I was on the run all day. I ate exactly what I ate on Thursday except I changed lunch for dinner. I felt good today just tired from such a crazy day yesterday.

I really would like to see the scale move out of the 160′s. I have been on this experiment for 3 weeks now and I have not really lost any weight. I know I had Mother’s Day, a day where I had some chips and 2 margaritas, and two days at a conference, but I really thought I would see a lot better weight losses by now. It is frustrating to say the least.

[Note: Angie, I truly understand the frustration! You have been on Stage Four for three weeks, yet have not completed one full week with no: dairy creamers, tortillas, salad dressing with sugar, chips, holidays, margaritas, eating foods at conferences, or a day of overeating fat, or protein or carbs, and yes, without any chicken breasts. Nor a full week with good blood sugar control. And when you are as insulin resistant as you are, it takes your body days — not a day — to recover from even a single instance of these!

As was noted in the Experiment Overview Thread,  to the extent that you are insulin resistant, is the extent to which any diet will or will not work for you. This is why you struggled with such hunger when you were on HCG. And this is why, as we’ve discussed, it’s looking more and more like food alone will not be able to reverse what is a serious metabolic breakdown and make your cells insulin sensitive again. I’m glad you’re seeing your doctor this week for a check-up, and I hope you walk out of the office with a script for metformin. It may take a month for it to start to work, but when it does the weight and fat will start to seriously drop again.]

Stage Four, Week 3, Day 7 — May 22

Angie is on hiatus until after she sees her doctor in the next week or two. Please stay posted!

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32 Responses to HCG Experiment #1: Akcrawford72

  1. LisaAPB says:

    Good Luck Angie, and thanks for sharing! btw, my stepson & 1st grandson both share your birthdate, so IMNSHO, it’s a great day to be born! Happy Birthday!

    • akcrawford72 says:

      Thank you Lisa, it is a great day to be born especially when you are taking control of your life and health!

  2. Nicole says:

    Angie! Happy Birthday!!!!
    NewMe 🙂

  3. Comment on Stage One, Day 2 Report


    Please don’t feel bad about the gain from 159 to 162 — that’s just water, as is your 1 pound loss from yesterday to today. How do I know you only lost water, not fat? For one thing, you’re hungry, which means you’re not in lipolysis, which means you’re not burning fat. That’s backed up by your elevated blood glucose readings. Which would most likely be even higher if you had not added forbidden fat in the form of half and half and an egg.

    In addition, each carbohydrate gram carries 4 molecules of water with it, so when you eat more carbs than you’re used to, your body tends to hold onto the water and only releases it when carb intake subsides. And you already know the body retains water when your TOM comes around.

    As to upping your protein, you should do that now, since you’re not following protocol (as written), which calls for 200 grams (by weight) of protein, not the 150 you ate today. Your percentage calculations were a bit off (now corrected), and you can see that your percentage of protein was only 40%. If you up your protein to 200 grams you should feel better, especially if you make sure you eat your fruit with your protein and not as a stand-alone for snack. Try that tomorrow and see how you do!

    • akcrawford72 says:

      I will eat the 200 grams tomorrow. I cut the grams today, since I decided to eat that egg and I had the half/half in my coffee. I wish I would have just eaten the full grams of protein, oh well tomorrow for sure.

      • Perhaps the easiest way to think about protein (and how much to have) is this:

        200 grams of protein by weight equals about 7 ounces.

        Each ounce of animal protein (including eggs, but not vegetables) contains about 8 grams of protein itself. 7 x 8 = 56 grams.

        That’s the number of grams (minus any ‘protein’ grams from veggies) you should shoot for in your FitDay Protein Daily total. Then you’ll be sure you’re hitting the right number.

        You didn’t reach this either yesterday or today, even with all the egg whites (the whites contain most of the protein; the yolk contains all of the nutrients besides protein) you ate yesterday — you were short by at least 10%. Tomorrow should be better. 🙂

  4. NewMe says:

    Very interesting…Lisa, I really like being able to see what is happening and how this all works. Great job posting Angie!

  5. As you can see my fasting BG is elevated, don’t really understand any of it, but know this has not been my norm in the AM.

    When you have insulin resistance anything with sugar (including the apple you ate alone for a snack last night) can cause your insulin to be high (keeping you from burning fat, regardless of hcg intake!), yet still be insufficient to deal with the blood sugar.

    I once again failed to get enough protein in.

    Your protein, at 200 grams by weight/64+ grams of protein was just fine. This is what Simeons says you should eat.

    I look forward to moving on to Stage Two of the experiment.

    You’re already proving that HCG along with following Simeons 500 calories is useless, since you’re both hungry and not losing anything — easily predicted by your blood glucose readings. That’s because the real active factor in fat liberation/lack of hunger is not HCG (which according to Simeons should do it but which clearly fails in the face of insulin resistance — a factor for everyone who has excess adipose fat or they wouldn’t have that fat to begin with), but which IS a process that is intimately tied with insulin. Once you learn what this process is, and how to control it, along with a modified diet that helps to promote it, you will lose weight and fat easily, without hunger — and without HCG.

    Stage Two will be the nail in HCG’s coffin, and will start on Friday morning. You and the other participants will be notified by email on Thursday with full instructions.

  6. > I feel rather well today, which is strange because today I feel better than any of the days of Stage 1. This is confusing since I am not really eating any food and a ton of sugar.<

    Although the crash will come — and it will — the reason you felt better today was because of the carbohydrate intake.

    One of the problems Atkins had with his patients who had a lot of weight to lose (so they were on his diet for a long time) was the pattern he noticed in many of them developing hypothyroidism. He saw this not in the patients who were able to continue to lose weight while still slowly but steadily adding carbs back into their diets after Induction — but in patients who were so insulin resistant and/or diabetic that they tended to stay on Induction-level very low carbs for a very long time.

    He consulted Dr. Richards for this, but aside from hearing that he should encourage all his patients to eat a few more carbs a day, there wasn't much that could be done. This is because — as so many brilliant medical scientists and researchers have pointed out (like Wolfgang Lutz and Barry Groves and many others) — severe restriction of carbohydrates over an extended period of time will cause thyroid hormone resistance hypothyroidism. Just like severe restriction of calories over an extended period of time will cause it.

    You — and other long-time HCG users — are under a double whammy (triple if you count your fat cells multiplying). You've severely restricted carbohydrates and calories for a long time. Your body has been operating sub-optimally for a while, I suspect and certainly your insulin resistance is getting worse.

    Eating sugar isn't the answer to either of these issues, of course, but Lutz, Kwasniewski and Groves have all argued that eating just enough carbohydrates, particularly starch carbohydrates — which they defined as between 50 to 70-ish grams a day (depending on your height, weight, etc) is the healthiest way to eat. After a lot of my own trial and error, I agree with them. At the moment, your body is grabbing on to the carbs you gave it today, and although it will crash because they were sugar carbs, it let you know when you first ate the carbs that they were very welcome.

    The good news is that Stage Four will very likely have you feeling better than you've felt in a long time, and the stabilization period that follows will let you eat those starchy carbs daily without regaining any of the lost weight. We'll be there soon. 🙂

  7. Wow, what a change in glucose numbers for you today! Well done. No wonder you feel so good. 🙂 And aren’t eggs wonderful? Next time you might try adding several more/different veggies to your salad … with some dressing, too.

  8. Angela Witham says:

    Tomorrow I am adding some Marie’s Chipotle Ranch to my lettuce, can’t wait for lunch YUM! I love eggs. I am a little afraid to add more veggies, as getting my ratios correct has been a challenge. It takes a really long time and a lot of maneuvering of my fats, carbs, and proteins to get it right. I know all of the effort is well worth it though. Can’t wait to eat and weigh in tomorrow.

    • I am a little afraid to add more veggies, as getting my ratios correct has been a challenge.

      Remember, as with Simeons’ — veggies don’t count toward your totals. Eat as many green leafy vegetables as you like, but count any dressing or butter of course. And getting the ratios right will get easier and easier once you get used to eating this way. Enjoy!

  9. Michaela says:

    I finally finished reading your site and I have completely changed my mind about the HCG diet and I will now be trying your method for my next round!

    My insulin levels a year ago were 26, yes you read that right 26, and I have PCOS. I am getting them checked again next Friday through my endo and if he won’t order the other blood tests you recommend i will order it online.

    I should mention that since the time of my insulin test last year I have lost 60-70 pounds so I am hoping they have dropped but I also don’t expect them to drop that much to where I am normal. I will probably start the metformin again now that I know I can eat a low carb diet. When I took metformin for 1.5 years I hated it and it made me feel like crap however I had yet to accept that I needed to eat a low carb diet and continued to do weight watchers while on it. I lost about 40 pounds and my endo and I decided that I could stop it. That was 60-70 pounds ago (I have lost 116 pounds all together, 62 of those were with the HCG diet when I strarted that in September).

    Will you go beyond the 72 hours that the HCG stays in your system with your stage 4??

    I would love to see stage 4 last 4 days beyond the HCG only so I can prove to my friends that it isn’t the HCG at all. I always lose weight in the 72 hours not on HCG so the weight loss of participants is to be expected even on the slightly higher calories. The glucose readings of the girls have been absolutely amazing though and what ultimately made me realize that I have to do this version of the diet when I start up again in June! Thank you, thank you, thank you!!

    • Michaela, thank you for the kind words. If I’ve been able to convince even one person to stop taking a useless-to-treat-obesity-but-dangerous-hormone and to use science instead to heal their metabolism and lose weight, then I guess I haven’t written a small book in vain. 🙂

      An insulin level of 26 is very high, as you know, and you might very well have leptin as well as thyroid hormone resistance (hypothyroidism). I’d be willing to bet on the latter. I’m glad you lost all that weight, but now you need to first diagnose the extent of your metabolic problems, and then heal them. The blood tests — all of them! — will be the first step. But you’ll also probably need a new prescription for Metformin (make sure it’s NOT the extended release version, which isn’t as effective) and definitely a prescription for test strips for the glucose meter that you should get — and use daily! — now. I’ve answered your other, private questions about this via email.

      I hope all our participants will continue on and do an entire week of Stage Four starting Monday. We’re all taking a break for Mother’s Day of course, because no one should have to count calories or nutrients then. 🙂 Two of our participants will do so, as will I (I’ll be writing about me separately in Part V, when I discuss the maintenance phase), but I hope the others will and — if there’s any reader out there who is also willing to volunteer for doing several weeks of Stage Four and then Maintenance — please let me know. It will mean getting a meter and ketostix, logging all food, and reporting daily.

      • Laura says:

        I’m interested in doing Stage 4 and maintenance as you mention above. I’ve never monitored my blood sugar but will certainly do it. I’d love to figure out what’s going on with this body of mine, and then help my husband and kids get hold of these weight issues now…once and for all!

        • Laura, you can get a free glucose meter by googling “free meter” but if you have insurance the best thing to do is first get the tests done by your doctor. If your fasting insulin and/or fasting glucose is high, your doc can give you a prescription for the meter AND the test strips — and they are the expensive part. First figure out where and how your metabolism is broken, and then take the necessary steps to heal it. If you do that first, and then eat the right way, the weight will absolutely come off as you heal!

  10. Michaela says:

    I am hypothyroid! I explained more in the email back to you 🙂

    I do have a glucose meter and I have used it before to track my readings. I haven’t done it in awhile though so I will have to play around with it and get more strips. I just bought them at Walmart but I have never received a prescription for them. I will stop and pick some up and see what happens.

    Thanks again for the info, I am really excited to try this out!

  11. Laura says:

    Can you clarify something. You indicated 50 grams of “saturated” fat per day, but are the participants really couting total fat? As I’m doing some calculating based on what I’ve been eating, it seems pretty hard to get to 50 grams of “saturated” fat and stay at the 700-750 calorie range (unless you eat straight coconut oil and cream, since almost all of that fat is saturated). But an egg is 5 grams of fat, but only 2 saturated fat. Should we count the 5 or 2 toward the 50 per day? Thanks!

    • Laura, sorry about the confusion, though I can see now how it happened. In talking about “saturated fat” I should have made it clearer that I was talking about the type of fat, saturated (like animal fat, dairy fat, coconut oil) vs. unsaturated, like vegetable oils.

      When you’re doing the ratios — which you cannot do yet because I haven’t yet explained how to arrive at the protein count for each individual, without which you cannot do this protocol, nor the maintenance (discussed in Part V) — you count the actual ‘fat grams’ and not the saturated fat grams for each food.

      Hope that helps and sorry for the confusion!

  12. Michaela says:

    Look at all of their glucose numbers!!!!! Part V hurry and get here so we can do it too!!!!!

  13. LisaAPB says:

    Hey Angie, hope you had a great Mother’s Day! I see you like Chipotle Ranch too! I make mine in batches, with sour cream, Ranch dressing, and 2-3 canned chipotle peppers I’ve whirled up in the Magic Bullet. Very yummy!

    Good losses!

    • akcrawford72 says:

      I had a great Mother’s Day, but overindulged. I love the Chipotle Ranch, just realized it had sugar in it. I am going to make the recipe you just suggested. What ranch do you use, or do you make your own ranch with sour cream and mayo first then add the chipotle peppers? I can’t wait to make this, I am finding out I can only eat my own dressing and not any store-bought types. Can’t wait to answer questions for the people watching the experiment. Thanks for the post.

      • Angie, I kind of suspected that the Chipotle dressing had sugar based on your sudden uptick in blood glucose numbers. Amazing how much sugar manufacturers add to everything these days, even soup. You’ve got to read food labels now with a magnifying glass. 🙂 I know you went up in pounds today, but it’s just water and will depart within the next 72 hours if you go back on the ratios.

  14. Jenine says:

    Hey Angie, thanks for the comment. I think you’re doing great also, Just hang in there. I think we all have those blah days.

  15. NewMe says:

    Angie ! So sorry to hear the news…hang in there. This happened to one of my son’s favorite teachers last year and he was called back the first week of classes this fall. Also, you said something very important: “I will not let it send me into a health disaster”. This really hit home with me as I can easily throw in the towel and go back to poor “sugar” eating. Very good reminder.
    Thanks for your comments.

  16. Booklover says:


    Sorry to hear about the job. Hopefully you will be able to find something you like even better whether in the same field or a different one. Life changes like this are always a pain. Hang in there; we are rooting for you! : – )


  17. Desertgirl says:

    If ketosis has nothing to do with whether someone is losing fat, why are the readings required for the diet?

    • Thank you for asking. Please re-read my comment more carefully. I said nothing about “ketosis” but only talked about whether or not ketosis showed on the ketostix.

      I wrote “Ketostix have nothing to do with whether or not you are in lipolysis.”

      However, if you actually meant to ask: “If the ketostix don’t always accurately portray a person’s state of ketosis, why use them?” — the answer is: the readings will matter in maintenance, because knowing what they were in protocol vs. maintenance will matter.

  18. Angela Witham says:

    My weight this morning was 165 so I am up 1.6 after being gone for two days. I never ended up being able to take any food in with me to the Convention. I showed up with my little bag and they made me take it back to my hotel and they checked your bags so there was no sneaking.

    I ate a couple ounces of almonds and an egg at about 6:30 every morning before going so I could get through most of the morning and into the afternoon. The rest of the day was bad though because all they had was crap food. Bagels, fruit, hot dogs, typical vendor food. I tried to do my best, but we were in there until midnight both nights so you see how this turned out.

    I am going to need help with some major damage control. I ate a big piece of salmon this morning with melted butter on it, and now I have to go out to brunch with my mother-in-law for missing Mother’s Day with her. I will post like normal tomorrow. I am afraid to see my BG stats too. I will get back on track and get things under control.

    Missed everyone these last two day and also felt strange not posting and keeping track of my food. I did not like not being in control of my body. Glad to be back. ~Angie

    • Sorry to hear about the weekend, but it sounds like there was nothing else you could have done. Luckily most of the weight you gained was water weight, but without your having taken the meter with you — ALWAYS TAKE THE METER — there’s no way of knowing how much damage was done to your insulin load and blood sugars. Sadly, the more insulin resistant you are, the longer it takes to bounce back, so cut yourself a little slack if you don’t see any real improvement until the end of a week of very strict control and nutrient counting. If you do go back on the straight and narrow though, with zero detours, you will be back to where you were before Mother’s Day. Hang in there, and welcome back!

  19. LisaAPB says:

    Hi Angie! Sorry to hear about the job. My sister and daughter are both teachers, and I raise my hat to all educators. Y’all don’t get enough credit.

    My chipolte ranch dressing: I used to use one bottle of Ranch dressing, mixed with cream or sour cream, and 2 canned chipolte peppers. Lately though, I’ve been using the dried Ranch dressing herbs, sour cream, and peppers.

    My mom used to make a blender salad dressing when I was a kid (large family!) and she’d put hard boiled eggs, mayonnaise, & chopped tomato into blender with garlic salt & pepper. After blending, add minced onion and dill pickles. Yummy. Eggs make everything better!

    Hope you have a great week!

  20. Shanon says:

    Hi Angie,

    First off I want to say I’m also sorry about your job. The city I live in fired every single teacher in the city and is closing approximately four schools. The teachers will not find out until summer who will be asked back. I have two children who are in this school system and am very upset about this happening. We are lucky that my children’s school will not be closed, but I imagine their over full class rooms with over worked teachers will only get more full.

    Second I understand your frustrations with the diet. It takes a lot of planning to get the portions, so to not see results must be annoying. I’m like you when I eat something that I shouldn’t I gain weight right away and it doesn’t come off the next day. It takes me 5 days of perfect eating for my body to let go of the weight.

    I have to take metformin to make my insulin work better. I’m on a low dose, but it’s enough to help me with my insulin and it’s what I need. Eventually I may reach the point where my insulin interacts with my cells the way it should and I won’t have to take it anymore, but I’m not there yet. It wasn’t until I took the metformin that my body started letting me lose fat.

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